CEDARS News Digest

March 2009 Issue 07



earth_hrHKU will be part of Earth Hour

To vote against global warming, the University of Hong Kong will join other parts of the world for Earth Hour at 8:30pm – 9:30pm on Saturday March 28, 2009…
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CEDARS Programmes

Ceremony will be held to commend award-winning students

Professor Lap-Chee Tsui will host the Prize Presentation Ceremony to commend students winning external awards on April 25 at Loke Yew Hall. A Social Service Award will be introduced. Registration is open till March 31…
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Start your green living from what you eat

Green Lunch serving organic food will be held on April 3 at Rm 411, Meng Wah Complex. This activity is a part of the “411 Series” of CEDARS’ HEA concept store which promotes an autonomous and healthy lifestyle…
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Forum on voluntourism as new form of social enterprise

Mr Andrew Yu, founder of a mainland social enterprise “1 KG More” (aka ”多背一公斤” ), will share his experience on April 17 at T1, Meng Wah Complex. As a frequent backpacker travelling in rural China, Mr Yu delivered one KG more of books and other materials to the schools there. Later this “1 KG More” practice created a new industry known as “Voluntourism”…
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Save food and save the planet

Collaborated with Greeners Action, HKU is one of the tertiary institutions to present the Save Food Project – Less Rice Day with the aim of raising public awareness of reducing food waste and solid waste, and the burden towards the natural environment…
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You can do it too, U-Radio says

U-Radio programme series “U Speak” has launched a new show entitled “You Can Do it Too” which is to check out special icons and interesting things on the campus…
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Student Activities

ILOPers run campaign on global issues

Students of the Intensified Learning Opportunity Programme (ILOP) will present a series of events on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Campaign, in line with the United Nations Development Programme…
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Competition News

HKU student awarded for invention for elderly

Law Cheuk-kit, a Year 3 student of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, won an award of merit from the HK Youth Science and Technology Invention Competition, organised by the HK New Generation Culture Association Science Innovation Centre. Law invented a device which can be attached to wheel chairs so that the elderly and disabled can control them single-handedly. He will be representing HK at the National Youth Science and Technology Invention Competition on the Mainland.


Keeping Your Eyes Out

Roundtable Community recruits volunteers

Roundtable Community is recruiting teachers for its community project in Tin Shui Wai…
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