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Designers' concept

Designer: Tommy Ip Siu Tung (Social Sciences, year 1)

The design of my slogan T-shirt consists of two parts, the picture and the slogan. The picture is a sad face with a teardrop. It indicates that when we face a difficult situation in life, we often feel frustrated and even lose our confidence. However, as you view the picture by rotating it 180 degrees, it becomes a happy face. It symbolizes that very often the way to cope with adversity depends on the way we look at it.

If we encounter a problem that cannot be solved easily, we may get stuck and feel desperate. However, I think the best strategy and attitude to cope with it, as the slogan suggests, is to “Just turn it around”. It means that if we try to approach the problem from another angle, we may discover a new route to tackle the problem, which may not be possible if we only stick to the original mindset or keep moaning.

By using pink which is an energetic colour, it serves to encourage people to have a positive outlook on life. Therefore, I think the simple slogan together with the picture can remind people of the appropriate way to cope with life problems.


Designer: Wong Yuet Yi (Engineering, year 2)



Designer: Chan Hong Wa Lorna (Dentistry, year 4)

標題 “Plug in the Light, Pluck up Our Life” 意即在逆境中我們要勇敢振作,使生命發亮。而心型的插座和燈泡,則代表真正能讓我們從逆境中振作的力量其實是源自自己,只要有心便能照亮自己亦照亮他人。除此之外,在支持、信心、希望、毅力等句子所串連成的電線幫助下,也叫我們可以從新振作,繼續發亮。


Designer: Chen See Man Connie (Science, year 2)

這個設計「朝氣無限 (Vigor Rocks!!)」構圖非常簡單,整幅圖的外觀是一個笑意盈盈的面孔:由朝氣兩字各代表雙眼、一個無限的符號代表鼻子、一隻香蕉代表微笑的嘴。概念是縱使人面對逆境,只要有無限的朝氣活力去過每一天,也總會發現事情會向更好的發展。只要「蕉」氣勃勃,常懷著笑容,即使身在逆境,也會發現世界是美好的。