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News & Events

Movie Screening
“Band Four” Movie Screening & Post-Screening Discussion
Date 日期:  11 Oct 2023
Time 時間: 7:15pm - 8:45pm
Venue 地點: LE1, Library Extension, HKU
Summary 內容: 「4拍4」一家的四種聲音,各有秘密,難以溝通。但透過音樂,四人互相聆聽,卻在此時面臨更大難關⋯⋯
通識 (CEDARS-GE)與電影《4拍4家族》團隊合作,為港大同學帶來一部音樂與家庭交織的電影,用音樂打動人心,鼓勵同學繼續追逐夢想。《4拍4家族》香港大學放映會將於10月5日舉行,而於10月11日將邀請到導演賴恩慈、演員謝安琪作映後談,分享電影中的故事。
A newly reunited family finds a common communication channel via music, and a familial bond begins to form. But this “Band Four” are put to the test by a fresh set of unforeseen challenges.
CEDARS-GE collaborates with the production team of the film “Band Four”, curating a series of programmes for all HKU students to reflect on their dreams. “Band Four” movie screening will be held on 5 Oct 2023 (THU), and there will be a post-screening discussion with Director Mo Lai, Cast Kay Tse on 11 Oct 2023 (WED) at HKU.

All registration will start at 12am, 25/9.
《4拍4家族》優先場 “Band Four” Screening
日期 Date:5/10/2023 (Thu)
時間 Time:19:30 – 21:30
地點 Venue:MOViE MOViE Cityplaza (Taikoo)
按金 Deposit:$40 (To be refunded upon attendance) 
語言 Language:Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles
Registration (HKU students ONLY) 
* Quota is limited and non-transferable. We reserve the right to cancel duplicated registration.
*First come first served. Successful registrants will receive an email confirmation for collection of tickets.

拍4家族》映後談  “Band Four” Post-Screening Discussion

*嘉賓 Guest Speakers:賴恩慈 Mo Lai (Director), 謝安琪 Kay Tse (Cast)
主持 Moderator:黃志淙博士Dr. Chi Chung Wong (Veteran Radio DJ / Arts & Cultural Curator)
日期 Date:11/10/2023 (Wed)
時間 Time:19:15 – 20:45
地點 Venue:LE1, Library Extension, HKU
費用 Fee:Free of Charge
語言 Language:Cantonese (Simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided)
*原定嘉賓張進翹因事未能出席Guest speaker Manson Cheung will not be able to attend the talk.
Registration (for HKU Students):

Registration (for HKU Staff):

Registration (for HKU Alumni): 
|《4拍4家族》電影資料 About “Band Four”:
導演 Director:賴恩慈 Mo Lai
片長 Length:107 minutes
語言 Language:Cantonese (with Chinese and English subtitle)