Date 日期: | 22 Apr 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Time 時間: | 11:00am - 2:00pm | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Venue 地點: | Haking Wong Podium & GE Gatherland 240 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Speaker(s) 講師: | Various Guests |
Summary 內容: | Due to unstable weather conditions, activities scheduled at Herb Garden (Mini Green Market & Music Performance) will be changed. These activities will now be held at Haking Wong Podium. Themed with "Planet vs. Plastics" for Earth Day 2024, it stresses the urgency of the detrimental effects of plastic caused to our planet, climate, and human health and raises public awareness and inspires action towards reducing our reliance on plastics. This year marks the 54th anniversary of Earth Day and the 6th anniversary of the HKU Herb Garden. The theme of "Sustain/Ability" emphasises our belief in the self-healing power of nature and the role individuals can play in creating a better environment through sustainable and green lifestyles. Living a green life is not as difficult and complicated as we think. If you want to learn more, come and join the HKU Earth Day 2024 held on April 22, 2024 (Mon). There will be a series of activities exploring the sustainability and green living style, including: 地球日2024的主題 「地球與塑膠」 (Planet vs. Plastics),希望令大眾明白塑膠製品對環境、氣候、甚至人體健康的影響,藉此減少對塑膠製品的依賴。 而今年是地球日54周年,亦是港大香草園6周年紀念。雖然環境問題日漸嚴重,但我們相信大自然自我修復的力量,Sustain / Ability,只要大家願意多走一步,更多人實踐綠色生活,環境就有機會變得更美好。 所謂綠色生活並沒想像中困難複雜,若想認識更多,便記得參與於2024年4月22日(一)舉辦的港大地球日2024,活動詳情如下: ▮ Mini Green Market 綠色市集 Mini Green Market aims to promote a green lifestyle through various local and eco-friendly products. By exploring fresh local produce, DIY crafts, and, sustainable home essentials, we want to show you that living green is simpler than you think! Apart from that, there will be a Vegetarian Food Coupon from Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant and herb seedlings giveaway at the market, so drop by and add greenery to your space! 綠色市集旨在透過不同本地及綠色產品,推廣綠色生活。從本地新鮮農產品及手作、天然清潔用品,讓各位認識綠色生活,其實比你想像中更簡單! 綠色市集還會派發素食優惠券及香草幼苗給大家,記得不要錯過! Change of Venue 地點更改: Herb Garden 港大香草園 Haking Wong Podium 黃克競平台 Time 時間: 11:00 – 14:00 Participating Units 參與機構: Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre 明愛莫張瑞勤社區中心 (@caritas_mcskcc_) Cham Shan Farm 杉山農場 (杉山農場 | Facebook) GreEnzyme 酵·環保 (@greenzyme_kcsh) LoCoFARMS 本地種植 (@locofarms.hk) Supporting Unit 支持機構: Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant 一念素食 (@bijashku) Registration (HKU Students & Staff) Registration (for Alumni and Public) ▮ Dried Flower Mandala Workshop 押花工作坊 Let’s bring nature into our home! Our instructor Anna Li will show you how to make a dried-flower mandala. Come and unleash your creativity by designing your own flower art! 原來家中也可以充滿大自然的元素?導師Anna將教授如何利用乾花製成押花相架,配搭不同的小配件,利用創意去拼貼出自己的押花作品,把大自然帶回家! Venue 地點: GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building, HKU) Time 時間: 11:30 – 12:30 Language 語言: English Fee 費用: Free of Charge Quota 名額: 12 Instructor 導師: Ms. Anna Li (Founder of “Flowers Tell Story” 花療行者) Registration (HKU Students only) ▮ Scallion Pancake Cooking Workshop 蔥油餅工作坊 By using locally grown scallion, and pairing it with the fresh herbs in HKU Herb Garden to make a scallion pancake, we believe this combination would be a perfect match! 綠色飲食希望食得新鮮,食得健康。活動將教授如何使用本地食材,親自製作蔥油餅,配搭上香草園種植的有機香草,一口一美味! Venue 地點: GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building, HKU) Time 時間: 15:30 – 17:00 Language 語言: English Fee 費用: Free of Charge Quota 名額: 12 Registration (HKU Students only) ▮ Lunchtime Music Performance 午間音樂會 Lyricist and composer Serrini, HKU students Amber Chen and Austin Li will be sharing their music. Come to Herb Garden to relax and enjoy their music and the vibes! 午間音樂會請來了唱作人Serrini,港大同學Amber Chen及Austin Li於香草園分享音樂。讓大家在自然的環境中,以音樂放鬆身心。 Time 時間: 13:00 – 14:00 Change of Venue 地點更改: Herb Garden 港大香草園 Haking Wong Podium 黃克競平台 Performers: Serrini (Lyricist/Composer), HKU Students Amber Chen (BPharm, Year 3) and Austin Li (BFin(AMPB), Year 1) Registration (HKU Students & Staff) Registration (for Alumni and Public) ▮ Herb Garden Guided-Tour 香草園導賞 HKU Herb Garden is located outside 2/F entrance of the Main Library, where various herbs are grown in organic and natural forms. This year marks the 6th anniversary of the herb garden, it is a great opportunity to get to know the garden and the herbs there! 香草園位於圖書館二樓入口外,以有機及自然的形式種植各式香草。適逢是香草園六周年的紀念日子,不妨趁著這個機會認識香草園以及內裡不同的植物! Venue 地點: Herb Garden (outside 2/F entrance of the Main Library) 香草園 (大學圖書館二樓入口外) Time 時間: 14:30 – 15:00 Remarks: It will be cancelled in case of adverse weather. Please check our website and social media accounts (@hkucedars.ge & @holisticurbanfarming.hku) for the latest update. Registration (HKU Students & Staff)
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: |