Movie Screening
Date 日期: | 18 Jun 2024 | |||||||||
Time 時間: | 6:30pm - 9:00pm | |||||||||
Venue 地點: | CPD-2.58, 2/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU | |||||||||
Speaker(s) 講師: | Dr. Fiona Law Evina Dai (BA, Year 2) Ella Wong (BA, Year 2) EnYu Yap (BSc, Year 3) |
Summary 內容: | 今個暑假CEDARS-GE 聯同MOViE MOViE及香港大學比較文學系合辦【MOViE MOViE:Let’s Talk About Sex 2024】電影節,搜羅不同議題的國際得獎佳作,和觀眾一起打開房門清心直說,打破禁忌談談情論論性,以學術及文化視角解構性的多面性與可能性,電影節的電影將於不同戲院上映。 除此之外,CEDARS-GE更特備香港大學放映專場,播放《性教獄》。電影講述一名高中生被發現與同性同學在車上親熱後,遭家人送往性向轉換治療中心進行改造,但過程中反而遇到一班志同道合的朋友,在迷失中找回真實的自己,向荒誕的治療說不! 放映會設有映後談,歡迎你與講者們一起探討電影的不同面向。 This summer, we are in collaboration with MOViE MOViE, and the Department of Comparative Literature, HKU to co-present MOViE MOViE: Let’s Talk About Sex 2024, a festival that helps to break all the taboos surrounding sex, encourage frank and open discussions about sex, and deconstruct sex from academic and cultural perspectives. Featuring films from around the world will be screened at various cinemas. In addition, the HKU exclusive screening and discussion of ‘The Miseducation of Cameron Post’ will be held on Jun 18. The movie depicts the story of a teenage girl who is coerced by her guardians to attend a gay conversion therapy center. Despite facing intolerance and denial, the girl finds solace in a group of fellow "sinners” and they come together and strive for survival. The screening will be followed by a discussion. 費用 Fee: 免費 Free of charge 語言 Language: 放映會 Screening: English with Chinese Subtitles 映後談 Discussion: Cantonese and English 報名 Registration (HKU students & staff): https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=94481 報名 Registration (Alumni & Public): https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=94606 電影資料About the film: 少女金梅倫(嘉兒莫蕊茲 飾)在別人眼中是個完美的高中生,但當她在學校舞會中被發現與另一女生在車上親熱後,就被送往性向轉換治療中心進行性取向改造。金梅倫被迫接受離奇古怪的教育,還有「拗直」療法和福音搖滾樂的薰陶,但滿腦同性春夢的金梅倫不但沒有受影響,反而結識了一班同志好友,並慢慢尋找到自己的位置和方向,向荒誕的治療說不! Pennsylvania, 1993. After getting caught with another girl, teenager Cameron Post is sent to a conversion therapy center run by the strict Dr. Lydia Marsh and her brother, Reverend Rick, whose treatment consists in repenting for feeling "same sex attraction." Cameron befriends fellow sinners Jane and Adam, thus creating a new family to deal with the surrounding intolerance. |
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: |