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News & Events

Movie x Poem: Half Traveller, Half Poet
Date 日期:  21 Sep 2018
Time 時間: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Venue 地點: Gatherland (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building)
Speaker(s) 講師: Iris Wong 
Aubrey Wang 
Abel Han 
Summary 內容: 關於展覽:一半是詩人,一半是旅人
特別鳴謝:海旁  香港大學文學雜誌社
About the exhibition:
Movie x Poem: Half Traveller, Half Poet
Everything starts with unexpected encounters, so does the story of Aubrey and Iris.
2015: Aubrey and Iris met in a trip to Yunnan
2016: Aubrey went to New York for further studies; Iris went to Dublin for Exchange
2017: Aubrey and Iris reunited in Shanghai.
2018: Aubrey continues her art career in USA and Beijing, Iris takes her gap year in Hong Kong
2019: …
Two artists met and separated, and soon they have realized they are both poets and travelers. They wander around, from city to city -- they meet people from all walks of life, with smiles and tears. All these memories and experiences became the inspiration of the "Movie x Poem: Half Traveller, Half Poet” exhibition.
In this exhibition, Iris visualizes Aubrey’s reading of the poems with short films. Iris’s moving images keep an intriguing dialogue with Aubrey’s voices, transforming the visual and the verbal into an intertwined relationship with tantalizing tensions. This exhibition is an ongoing conversation between these two artists, which presents the possibilities created through collaborative practices. Meanwhile, this exhibition extends the conversation between the two artists to a more open space for the audience to explore, feel, and react, through the perspective of the traveller and the poet.
About the Curators:
Aubrey Wang, now lives and works in Beijing. Graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a bachelor degree in Social Sciences, she continued her studies in the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Holding an interest in the interaction between poetry, writing and photography, she has been curating exhibitions in independent art spaces in New York, Shanghai and Hainan. She launched a poem-reading project in Yau Ma Tei in 2013, and published two poem zines.
Iris Wong, born and lives in Hong Kong. Currently studying in the University of Hong Kong, she is pursuing a bachelor degree in Social Sciences, majoring in Politics and Translation. With great interest in arts and literature, she has been continually writing poems and short stories, and producing short films in Hong Kong and overseas. In 2016, she produced the “Movie x Poem” Series One with Aubrey Wong.
Special thanks to Praya, a HKU-based literary magazine

開幕活動:旅行與創作 Opening Event: The Art of Traveling 

“旅行能催人思索。很少有地方比在行進中的飛機、輪船和火車上更容易讓人傾聽到內心的聲音。宏闊的思考常常需要有壯闊的景觀,而新的觀點也往往產生於陌生的所在。 ” —— 阿蘭•德布頓
19:00–19:30 電影詩短片放映 Movie Poem Screening
19:30–19:45 嘉賓分享 Guest Speaker’s Speech
19:45–20:15 策展人與嘉賓對談 Discussion by Curators and Guest Speaker
20:15–20:30 Q&A 自由交流時間
Date: 21/9/2018 (Fri)
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Venue: Gatherland (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building) 香港大學包兆龍樓2樓 
特邀嘉宾:韩松,曾獲台積電文學賞正賞、新概念作文大賽一等獎。作品散見發表於《字花》、《印刻文學生活志》、《聯合文學》、《Cha: An Asian Literary Journal》等刊物。小說《有神》將於2019年由印刻文學出版。
Guest Speaker: Abel Han
Abel Song Han lives in Hong Kong. His novella, The Statues, won the TSMC Literature Award, the only literary award for Chinese novella writing in Taiwan.  His works can be found in Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Fleurs des Lettres, INK Literary Monthly, UNITAS, among other publications. His debut novel, Twenty-First Century Club (Taipei: INK Publishing), is forthcoming in 2019.

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