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No One Turned Away – Hong Kong’s Handling of the Vietnamese Boat People Crisis 1975 – 2000
Date 日期:  04 Oct 2018
Time 時間: 6:45pm - 8:45pm
Venue 地點: CPD-3.04, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Medium 語言: English
Speaker(s) 講師: Ms. Carina Hoang
Mrs. Margriet Veenma
Mrs. Cheung-Ang Siew Mei
Farah Dang
Summary 內容: ***Kindly note that the venue is changed to CPD-3.04, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU (map:***

More than 210,000 Vietnamese boat people fled Vietnam to Hong Kong by boat and ship following the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. Hong Kong, as the ‘port of first asylum’, experienced its largest-ever international humanitarian crisis. Carina Hoang, who herself was a Vietnamese boat person will give a comprehensive historical account of the crisis in Hong Kong, and identify lessons that can be learnt from the manner in which the Hong Kong Government handled the 25-year long ordeal.

持續近20年的越南戰爭於1975年結束,不少人對越共政權恐懼,投奔怒海,超過21萬名船民偷渡來港。作為「第一收容港」的香港,參與了一場龐大的國際人道救援行動。 本身是越南船民的Carina Hoang,為香港的越南船民歷史梳理脈絡。我們回顧一場場生命的賭博,再放眼今天的難民潮,在絕望、希望和聚散中檢視難民政策。

For HKU students and staff -
For alumni and public:
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: Ms. Carina Hoang
At the age of 16, Carina escaped Vietnam on a wooden boat with her two siblings and 370 other people. She survived the harrowing journey and the extreme challenges that followed in a primitive refugee camp, and ultimately were accepted for resettlement in the United States. Over the next 20 years, Carina continued her education, and had a successful career. Carina is a tireless advocate for people forced to flee their homes. In 2011, Carina was honoured as one of Western Australia most courageous and inspiring women, being one of 100 women inducted into the Western Australia Women’s Hall of Fame.

Panel Discussion Members:

Mrs. Margriet Veenma (Senior Protection Officer, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), for China, Hong Kong and Macao)
Mrs. Cheung-Ang Siew Mei (Executive Director, Christian Action)
Farah Dang (a former Vietnamese refugee who stayed at the Kai Tak Refugee Camp and now still resides in Hong Kong)

Moderator: Professor (Honorary) Peter Lai Hing-ling (Department of Politics and Public Administration, HKU; former Secretary for Security of the Hong Kong/ HKSAR Government)