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News & Events

Sustainable Urban Farming Workshop
Date 日期:  19 Jan 2019
Time 時間: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Venue 地點: HKU Rooftop Farm (Runme Shaw Building)
Speaker(s) 講師: 馮麗晶女士 Ms. Carol Fung
譚業成先生 Mr. Tam Yip Shing
Summary 內容: 人與大自然的關係密切,可惜城市人生活忙碌,一切但求方便快捷,例如甚少購買新鮮食材親自下廚,以致五穀不分,也就失去對四時變化的觸覺。學習永續種植不但可以重建與自然的聯繫,更會了解我們的消費模式如何影響日常生活的碳足印。善用空間,城市人也能夠品嚐自己親手栽種的有機蔬菜。
We city people live so remote from nature that we forget our inseparable bond with nature. We live our hectic lives with too much focus on convenience, forgetting how our food is sourced and losing track of the seasons. Sustainable farming reconnects us and helps us learn to from nature. It also reminds us of how our consumerist behaviour affects the environment. Creative use of urban space allows city people to enjoy the bliss of growing our own food and eating organic, fresh produce.

Established in 2013, the HKU Rooftop Farm provides organic farming workshops and farming space for staff and students to spread the joy of growing our own food. Workshop participants will be allocated a planter to apply the skills learned and they can also join our farming team and to help out with daily tasks in the farm’s communal area.
General Education, Centre of Development and Resources for Students, HKU
Sustainability Office, HKU
馮麗晶女士 Ms. Carol Fung (Sustainable Agriculture Officer, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden)
譚業成先生 Mr. Tam Yip Shing (Senior Sustainable Agriculture Officer, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden)

Session 1 - Introduction to sustainable urban farming
Date & Time: 19/1 (Sat), 3pm – 5pm        
Session 2 – Farming skills: pruning, companion planting, and pest control
Date & Time: 16/2 (Sat), 3pm – 5pm
Session 3 - Cultivating soil and resources recovery
Date & Time: 16/3 (Sat), 3pm – 5pm        
Session 4 - Farm-to-Table: harvest lunch
Date & Time: 18/3 (Mon), 12:00nn – 2:00pm     
Venue: HKU Rooftop Farm (Runme Shaw Building) and GE Gatherland2046 (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building)
Fee: $100 (Full-time student) / $250 (Part-time student or staff)
Each participant will be allocated a planter at the HKU Rooftop Farm for their learning exercises and they may visit the farm at specific daily timeslots during the programme.
Quota: 20 (10 for students and 10 for staff; first-come-first-admitted)
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English (simultaneous interpretation in English by the farming team will be provided)
To enroll, please fill in and submit an application form, together with the payment (in cash), at the GE Office (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building) during office hours ( The application form will be available at the office.