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News & Events

Music Performance
Curator’s Gig: Monday Night Live - Journey to Western Pop
Date 日期:  28 Jan 2019
Time 時間: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue 地點: GE Gatherland
Speaker(s) 講師: No night market for Sai Wan
Summary 內容: 
有多久,你沒有拿下耳機或放下手機,好好的聽一場live show?

GE Gatherland在過去幾個學期曾改頭換面成live house,為同學策動的演出提供舞台。今個學期再接再厲,兩支來自世界不同地方的音樂單位將為校園帶來各具特色的音樂演出。

在2019年的第一場演出,我們有來自台灣的No night market for Sai Wan,帶給你不同的live show體驗。

List of musicians: (in alphabetical order)
Aaron Chen (BBA Graduate)
Angel Lung (BAAS Yr 1)
Ina Wu (BAAS Graduate)
Jessica Chang (BBAIS&Cs Yr 3)
Leo Yang (BSc Yr 1)
Ted Wang (BEng Yr 5)
Teddy Liu (BEcon&Fin Yr 5)
Ru Chiang (BEng Yr 5)

Curator's Gig empowers you to curate your own music gig. Our versatile GE Gatherland has been turned into a live house for many gigs in the past couple of years. In the first gig of this semester, Taiwanese music group "No night market for Sai Wan" is going to bring you their rendition of western pop. Come to Gatherland on Monday night to have the best combo of Taiwanese snacks and the coolest music! 

Date: 28/1 (Mon)
Performing Group: No night market for Sai Wan

Time: 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: GE Gatherland2046 (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building)

Online registration 

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