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Public Lecture
From Communist Europe to Populist Europe? What have we learned and why we should not be disheartened
Date 日期:  20 Mar 2019
Time 時間: 6:45pm - 8:45pm
Venue 地點: KK101, 1/F, K.K. Leung Building, HKU
Speaker(s) 講師: Dr. Kenneth Chan 陳家洛博士
Summary 內容: 2019 marks several anniversaries of global events that shaped the modern history of different countries. Thirty years ago, a wave of peaceful revolutions swept across Central and Eastern Europe. Due to chronic economic and political crises, Poland's underground Solidarity movement was propelled to the centre stage and entered roundtable talks with the Communist government. A partially free election that took place on 4 June 1989 effectively put an end to communist rule in Poland. The Iron Curtain dividing Eastern and Western Europe since the end of World War II started to crumble and by the end of the year the most iconic physical barrier of the Cold War in Europe, the Berlin Wall, was eventually dismantled as peoples feared no more. Most of the post-communist states have joined the EU and NATO, but the young democracies have in recent years displayed a strong appetite for populism, illiberalism and Euroscepticism. The EU has found itself struggling to uphold its liberal norms and values in the face of the spread of "de-democratization" or "democratic de-consolidation" from Central Europe. What have we learned so far? Should we be disheartened? This seminar will shed light on post-communist developments and look critically at the perception of political setbacks in the region.

Seminar 2
From Communist Europe to Populist Europe? What have we learned and why we should not be disheartened
Speaker: Dr. Kenneth Chan 陳家洛博士 (Associate Professor, Department of Government & International Studies, HKBU)
Date: 20/3/2019 (Wed)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: KK101, K. K. Leung Building, HKU
Language: English
For HKU students and staff – 
For alumni and public – 

Global News Chat
Besides, student hosts will lead follow-up discussion after the seminars. Participants who are interested in the topics and would like to share personal views and experience are welcome to join:
Dates: 4/4 (Thu)
Time: 16:30 – 18:00
Venue: GE Gatherland2046 (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building)
For HKU students and staff –
Further information of this series: