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News & Events

Curator's Gig
GE Live House: Curator's Gig - Yellow, Blue, Black & White
Date 日期:  25 Oct 2019
Time 時間: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Venue 地點: GE Gatherland2046 (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building)
Summary 內容: Curator’s Gig: Yellow, Blue, Black & White
1, 2, 3, 4......!大學生涯第四年啦!時間過得咁快,有咩人或事令你最難忘?如果要你分享,你會用咩方法去表達出嚟?
我哋同大家一樣,都有屬於自己嘅故事。而嚟緊嘅音樂會,就喺我哋所選嘅方法,去唱出我哋喺音樂路上嘅所遇所聞,包括Rock、Pop、EDM、Soul、 Hip Hop、Funk、Hard Rock和Bossa Nova等。
“Yellow, Blue, Black And White” 其實來自日本結他手Miyavi 嘅歌曲,意指無論係任何種族、膚色、宗教、文化、性別、年紀嘅人,音樂都可以將大家連繫,共同享受當下嘅律動,同而為一。
無論你係啱啱入嚟嘅freshman,抑或係為前路打算緊嘅final year同學;有玩音樂,有夾開band,抑或係少接觸音樂嘅人;為夢想奮鬥緊,抑或係迷失方向嘅人;雖然我哋嘅方向未必相同,但希望至少可以一齊享受今次帶比大家既live music,編寫屬於我哋嘅故事。
1, 2, 3, 4...! And it comes to our fourth year in university life! So do you have any unforgettable memories  as time flies? How would you share these remarkable people or events? 
We have our stories, too. And we choose to share them through live music. It is our pleasure to share and play songs that we have discovered throughout our music journey. The music genre varies from Rock, Pop, EDM, Soul, Hip Hop, Funk, Hard Rock, to Bossa Nova and many more.
“Yellow, Blue, Black & White” is the lyrics from a song of the Japanese guitarist--Miyavi. He strongly believes that music is a key to connect and unite people regardless of nationality, race, religion, culture, gender, language and generation. It is a blessing that we can enjoy the music at present and feel the pulse as one.
No matter you are freshmen or graduates, musicians or novices, striving for something or feeling lost, this is a live show that I truly hope we could find ourselves and continue our journey. It would become a story not just for any single person, but for us.

Leung Yuk Kwan, Lake (BNurs Year 4)

Orange Leung (BEng Year 4)
Li Yau Wai, Harvey

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 5/9 (Thu):
HKU Students and Staff -
Alumni and Public -