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News & Events

Public Lecture
When the Way does not prevail: My philosophical reflections on the current situation of Hong Kong
Date 日期:  23 Jan 2020
Time 時間: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue 地點: Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
Speaker(s) 講師: 陳祖為教授 Prof. Joseph Chan 
Summary 內容: 講者 Speaker:陳祖為教授 Prof. Joseph Chan
主持 Moderator:高麟先生  Mr. Jason Ko (LLB 2017, PCLL 2018)

Date: 23/1/2020 (Thu) (Rescheduled)
Time: 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU 香港大學黃麗松講堂
Language: Cantonese

Important notice about Campus Access:
Visitors on university-related business should have their valid UID cards or the relevant documents with them when coming onto campus, as authorised personnel may perform checks as needed. Please also keep these with you at all times when you are on University premises.

** Registrants are required to register with their full name as on the HKID card/passport. Security may check the relevant event registration confirmation and identity documents at campus entrance.

Online Registration:

HKU Students and Staff -

Alumni and Public -
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: 陳祖為教授,香港大學政治與公共行政學系教授,香港中文大學政治學學士,倫敦經濟及政治科學院碩士(政治哲學)、牛津大學博士(政治哲學),研究興趣為儒家政治哲學、當代西方政治哲學、人權理論、香港公民社會等課題。著作包括 Confucian Perfectionism: A Political Philosophy for Modern Times (Princeton, 2014)(《儒家致善主義:現代政治哲學重構》)、East Asian Perspectives on Political Legitimacy: Bridging the Empirical-Normative Divide(ed. with Doh Shin & Melissa Williams, Cambridge, 2016 )。