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Online Video
TA-TA 2020: Sharing Your Farewell Messages
Date 日期:  07 - 24 May 2020
Time 時間: 12:00am - 11:59pm
Summary 內容: 過去每年的學期尾聲,通識都會舉辦「TA-TA Party」歡送一眾交換生及準畢業生。在疫情的影響下,雖然我們未能相聚於GE Gatherland為這個難忘的學年畫上句號,但希望透過其他方式將TA-TA Party的精神傳遞給所有同學。


CEDARS-GE has been curating TA-TA Party at the end of each academic year to bid farewell to our exchange students and final year students. This year, although we are not hosting a party at GE Gatherland, we would still hope to spread the spirit of TA-TA Party to all HKU students.

To mark the end of this unprecedentedly challenging academic year, now we would like to invite you to share your farewell messages to the exchange students and final year students of HKU (could be yourself or your friends!). Your messages would be edited as a video and posted on our social media platforms.

▍ 格式:
-聲音/影像:長度應為1分鐘以內;可將你的作品上載到雲端儲存(例如Google Drive),提供可下載的共用連結。
-文字:150字以內,中英均可,以MS WORD格式儲存。

▍ Specifications of Your Message:
- Video/ Audio Recording: The length should be within 1 minute. You may upload your video to cloud storages (such as Google Drive) and provide the downloadable link to us.
- Text: Maximum number of words: 150; either in English or Chinese. File should be sent in MS WORD format.

截止提交日期 Submission Deadline: 23:59, 24/5/2020 (Sun) [Deadline Extended]
作品形式及提交方法 Submission Method: