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News & Events

Public Forum
Urban Edible Spaces and Wellbeing in the Community
Date 日期:  03 Mar 2021
Time 時間: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Venue 地點: conducted online
Summary 內容: Soil, sunlight and rain nurture the grains, vegetables and herbs that we consume, but they are not only food to us. Every touch, smell and taste of the plants brings solace to our bodies and minds. In a hectic and stressful concrete jungle, edible spaces can be a playground for people to take a break and relax. Through gardening activities, city people can reconnect with nature, and be nurtured by plants. In this session, Educational Psychologist Dr. Matthew Chu, will bring us on a journey to explore the benefits that edible spaces can bring to our wellbeing. We are very grateful to have Ms. Huang Shenglin, the first U.S. certified horticultural therapist in Taiwan to be our keynote speaker, sharing her experience and insights from the past 16 years of promoting horticultural therapy. Together we have Mr. Gabriel Ho from Serene Oasis and members of Daily Practices with Nature to share their experiences in Hong Kong.

This programme is part of the Impact Project "Urban Edible Spaces Initiative: Growing Food and Happiness in a Sustainable Community" under the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Funding Scheme 2020/21. This KE project is co-organised by CEDARS-GE and the Sustainability Office.



▍Host 主持 :
- 朱可達博士 Dr. Matthew Chu
教育心理學家及 香港大學心理學系講師
Lecturer (Educational Psychologist), Department of Psychology, HKU

▍Keynote Speaker 主講嘉賓:
- 黃盛璘女士 Ms. Huang Sheng-ling
台灣園藝輔助治療協會 創會理事長、註冊園藝治療師
Founder, Taiwan Horticultural Therapy Association; Registered Horticultural Therapist

▍Guest Speakers 嘉賓:

- 何啟邦先生 Mr. Gabriel Ho

基督教家庭服務中心 心靈綠洲—註冊社工暨園藝治療師
Registered Social Worker & Horticultural Therapist, Serene Oasis, Christian Family Service Centre

- 習慣X自然 成員
 Members from Daily Practices with Nature

Date: 3/3 (Wed)
Time: 18:30 – 20:30
Venue: HKU and conducted via online
Language: Cantonese and Mandarin (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided)

Online registration:
► HKU Students and Staff - 
► Alumni and Public - 
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: Dr. Matthew Chu朱可達博士 Dr. Matthew Chu
朱可達博士的專業專長包括靜觀 (mindfulness)、正向心理學 (positive psychology) 和心理健康(psychological well-being),曾受邀為政府不同部門,非政府組織和團體提供專業培訓。

Dr. Matthew Chu's research interests lie in mindfulness, positive psychology, and psychological well-being. He has been invited to provide professional training for various government departments and NGOs.

Ms. Huang Shengling黃盛璘女士 Ms. Huang Shenglin
Ms. Huang Shenlin ended her 20-year career as an editor and went travelling in the United States to study permaculture and horticulture. She became the first Taiwanese horticultural therapist certified in the US. After that, she returned to Taiwan and devoted herself to promoting horticulture in Asia. She published the book “Becoming a Horticulture Therapist” and founded the Taiwan Horticultural Therapy Association. She also co-founded the Asia Pacific Association of Therapeutic Horticulture with horticultural therapists from Japan, Korea and Hong Kong. In 2019, she published “Green Heals: 100 Prescriptions Based on Horticultural Therapy” with two other veteran horticultural therapists.

Mr. Gabriel Ho何啟邦先生 Mr. Gabriel Ho
Mr. Gabriel Ho previously worked as a social worker in elderly homes, he is also a voluntary consultant for theHorticultural Therapy Professional Development Association and a board member of the Hong Kong Horticultural Therapy and Research Centre. He has participated in the publication of Planting with hopes (2020) and Serene Oasis: The practical manual on horticultural therapy (2014). 

Daily Practices with Nature習慣X自然 成員  Members from Daily Practices with Nature
Through organising urban farming and education activities, "Daily Practices With Nature" aims to promote the awareness of food sources, production and the practices of self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyles, enabling urban dwellers to reconnect with Nature by observation, interaction, learning and actions.