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Public Lecture
Living on a Planet in Peril
Date 日期:  23 Sep 2021
Time 時間: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Venue 地點: Conducted via Online Platform
Speaker(s) 講師: Prof. Roland Geyer & Dr. Christelle Not
Summary 內容: Online Book Talk & Sharing
A new publication by one of the world's top researchers
in Industrial Ecology and Pollution Prevention, Prof. Roland Geyer

In this talk, we will first explore why the health of the planet continues to decline, despite the sustained environmental efforts and activities of governments, companies, and each of us as individuals. It appears that the major Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 popularised some ideas about environmental sustainability that have taken us in the wrong direction and these urgently need to be discarded.

Prof. Roland Geyer will then introduce a set of principles that is designed to help humanity off its unsustainable trajectory. These principles are equally relevant for product design and production as they are for consumption. Dr. Christelle Not will also join the discussion and share her insights on this topic.

Date: 23/9/2021 (Thu)
Time: 13:00 - 14:00 (HKT)
Format: Conducted via Online Platform
Language: English

Prof. Roland Geyer
Professor of Industrial Ecology and Pollution Prevention
Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
University of California

Dr. Christelle Not
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth Science and Swire Institute for Marine Science
The University of Hong Kong

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Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: Prof. Roland Geyer
Roland Geyer, Professor in Industrial Ecology and Pollution Prevention, at University of California’s Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, searches for ways to end the conflict between human prosperity and a healthy environment. To achieve this, he is working with a wide range of governmental organisations, NGOs, trade associations, and companies. Roland has won multiple awards for his work, including the International Statistic of the Year (2018) from the Royal Statistical Society. His work has been covered widely in the international media, including radio and television. His first book, The Business of Less: The Role of Companies and Households on a Planet in Peril. Roland has a graduate degree in physics and a PhD in engineering. Learn more about him and his work on

Dr. Christelle Not
After working in Canada, Japan, and Germany, Christelle Not is currently an assistant professor at the Earth Science Department and Swire Institute for Marine Science of The University of Hong Kong. As leader of the Environmental, Geochemistry and Oceanography Research Group at HKU, she is investigating the human impact on our ocean and the climate. Her research interests focus on the impact of human activity on the environment, in the areas of plastic pollution and the climate repercussions of our meat-heavy diet. Moreover, she is studying marine archives to understand natural climate variability over thousands of years. She is dedicated to enhancing the communication of scientific discoveries to society and she is working closely with corporates and NGOs on different topics related to climate change and plastic pollution. Dr. Not is a Fellow of the David C. Lam Institute of East-West Studies (LEWI), HK.