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Public Lecture
Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Farming in Hong Kong
Date 日期:  26 Oct 2021
Time 時間: 6:45pm - 8:15pm
Venue 地點: Conducted via online platform
Speaker(s) 講師: Mr. Andrew Tsui  徐伽先生
Mr. Osbert Lam  林世昌先生
Summary 內容: 香港經常被稱為「石屎森林」,市區中高樓大廈林立,綠化休憩地方少,何況是「耕種」空間?但只要細心考察,就會發現香港有很多未被充份運用的空間,尤其是大廈的天台或平台,當中不少都適合種植農作物。這節講座請來兩位嘉賓──徐伽先生Andrew與林世昌先生Osbert,他們在香港創辦城市耕種相關機構,以商業模式營運多年,期間經歷各種挑戰,逐步調整及找出發展方向。他們將分享在香港推動城市耕種的經驗,探討除了社會價值以外,如何透過城市耕種開拓就業機會,而且在營運上達至可持續發展。
Hong Kong has been known as ‘cement jungle’ for its densely packed high-rises in the city. It seems impossible to find space for farming. Yet if we see from another perspective, there are many underused space at rooftops or podiums which are suitable for growing crops. In this forum, we have invited Mr. Andrew Tsui and Mr. Osbert Lam who have both established urban farming-related organisations in Hong Kong. In spite of various challenges, their companies have sustained commercially for years, and successfully developed innovative urban farming solutions. They will share their experiences and discuss the opportunities of urban farming in Hong Kong.
Mr. Andrew Tsui  徐伽先生
Co-founder, Rooftop Republic
Mr. Osbert Lam  林世昌先生
Founder, City Farm
Date: 26/10/2021 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:15
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request by 22/10)
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