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[F:A:C:E: Subsidy Project] An Online Theatre Production: Works in Progress
Date 日期:  13 Nov 2021
Time 時間: 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue 地點: Conducted via Zoom
Summary 內容: F:A:C:E: Subsidy Project:
Works in Progress produced by Artpeace

Works in Progress is an online theatre production created through international youth collaboration across four different countries. The play seeks to explore the construction of self, with themes such as the conception of perfection and neurodiversity. 

The online theatre is produced by Artpeace and supported by F:A:C:E: Subsidy of CEDARS-GE for HKU students. 

Date: 13/11/2021 (Sat)
Time: 20:00 – 21:00 (HKT)
Format: Conducted via Zoom
Free admission!

About Artpeace
Artpeace is a global youth organisation and registered charity with members from 8 different countries. Our passion is to promote peace and advocacy through art. We believe art is universal, and has the capacity to transcend language and cultural barriers, making it the ideal platform to connect and positively impact people from all walks of life. 
We curated this original playwright in hopes to shed light on social issues faced by young people today and to encourage international collaboration. With this message and a hope to raise awareness for these issues, we would like to warmly invite you to enjoy this production.
