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News & Events

Recruitment of Student Programme Curators and Hosts
Date 日期:  07 Jul - 08 Aug 2022
Time 時間: 12:00am - 12:00am
Summary 內容: CEDARS-GE Team offers a wide range of activities each semester, and yet we are a very small team. Our programmes would not have been completed without the help of GEST (GE Student Team)!
Different positions are now open for application, join GEST now and be a part of us!

Global News Chat – Student Hosts Recruitment
We are living in a globalised world with news circulating across the Internet instantly. Just with a click on your smartphones, you can read the news happening thousands of miles away. To facilitate some in-depth discussion on significant international and regional news, Global News Chat invites students from various backgrounds to share their personal views and insights on the issues that they care about. In the previous semesters, students from UK, India, Norway, Maldives, Singapore, Poland, Hong Kong, and mainland China, have been our hosts. Recent discussion topics include urban villages in China, the impact of media stereotypes and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. If you want to tell others about what’s happening in your countries and facilitate discussions, please sign up!
▍ Details and Application: 
▍ Extended Application Deadline: 8/8 (Mon)

F:A:C:E: Choice & Sharing Sessions – Student Hosts Recruitment
F:A:C:E: (Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences) Choice provides recommended arts and cultural programmes to students throughout the year. To widen students’ horizons in arts and culture, ticket subsidy will be offered to full-time HKU students for appreciation of different art forms of performances or films. Students may freely choose one of the designated programmes and register for the sharing session. We are now recruiting students who enjoy watching and discussing arts and culture programmes for hosting the sharing sessions.
Recent selected programmes: 
▍ Details and Application: 
Extended Application Deadline: 8/8 (Mon)

Happy Thursday: Tea from Around the World - Student Hosts Recruitment
International student hosts will be invited to share their favourite tea and snacks from their hometowns and to tell stories of their cultures. GE Team has been curating this cultural exchange programme since 2017, and student hosts from Denmark, Morocco, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, India, China, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Taiwan, South Korea, Pakistan, France, Indonesia, Mongolia and Japan, have shared the tea and snacks of their home cities.
In the upcoming semester, we will continue to invite more international students to share their tea, snacks, and culture. If you would like to be a host, don't hesitate to apply now!
▍ Details and Application: 
▍ Extended Application Deadline: 8/8 (Mon)

GEST Skills Sharing – Curate Your Own GE Programme
GEST Skills Sharing is a platform for talented students to showcase their unique abilities and share the skills with fellow classmates. Rather than passive receivers, GE believes that by supporting students to actively curate and initiate projects, students can truly learn and flourish.
In the previous academic year, talented students co-curated various types of activities with us, such as diabolo, embroidery and miniature clay food workshops, as well as pastel Nagomi art workshop.
If you have something you want to share, it could be digital illustration, crafting, or dancing, all (crazy) ideas are welcomed!

▍ Details and Application: 
▍ Extended Application Deadline: 8/8 (Mon)

All GEST members will earn Reward Points under CEDARS Reward Scheme for Students when they complete their programmes. Certificates will be presented to the students in recognition of their contribution subject to the Reward Points accumulated.