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News & Events

GEST (GE Student Team): Recruitment of Event Photographers 活動攝影師招募
Date 日期:  06 - 13 Jan 2023
Time 時間: 12:00am - 1:00pm
Summary 內容: 由文化藝術、綠色生活到世界議題,每個學期,通識都會邀請來由不同學系、不同背景的同學及嘉賓,為港大同學們籌備一連串多元化的活動。
Every semester, CEDARS-GE organises a series of programmes across different disciplines, ranging from arts and culture to green living lifestyles and global issues. We invite students from different faculties and guest speakers of different backgrounds to be our hosts, creating many memorable moments with HKU students.
To capture all these precious moments, CEDARS-GE is going to form a team of student photographers. Team members are required to assist us on an event basis, in which, members are provided with chances to practise their photography skills, and also learn from and share their experiences with peers.
Orientation Day
Date: 17/01/2023 (Tue)
Time: 16:30 – 17:30
Venue: GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building)
Applicants are expected to have:
1) basic photography knowledge (aperture, shutter speed, ISO, different shooting modes);
2) a DSLR or mirrorless camera.
* Knowledge and experience in using Lightroom (or other RAW photo editing tools) would be a bonus.
Application link:
Deadline of application: 13:00, 13/01/2023.
Successful applicants will be notified via email by 14/01/2023.
- Honorarium will be offered to certain job duties. Details will be announced on a job basis.
- All GEST members will earn Reward Points under CEDARS Reward Scheme for Students ( when they perform their duties. Certificates will be presented to the students in recognition of their contribution subject to the Reward Points accumulated.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at