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Back-to-Live Gig
Back-to-Live Gig
「人沒法放鬆所以就快瘋,傳說中有演唱會也都暫緩⋯⋯ 」
這數年反反覆覆的疫情,徹底打亂我們的日常,除了讓我們錯失很多與摯親見面的機會,亦令我們錯過了很多欣賞現場演出的機會。這個學期,通識(CEDARS-GE)聯同港大音樂社將同學們期待已久的Live Music帶回校園,更邀請了一眾HKU Singing Contest 2022的Finalists現身,為同學們傾力演出,發放音樂力量!
“Just wanna go back to the way life used to be…”
The persistent COVID -19 situation over the past years has inevitably limited our ability to hold gatherings and entertainment events, and so many experiences have inevitably become virtual. Collaborated by CEDARS-GE and HKU Music Club, this gig featuring our talented HKU Singing Contest 2022 finalists, will reconnect us “in-person” again and dazzle the challenging times by the performers’ enchanting songs and tunes around the campus.

Back-to-Live Gig @Happy Park
(featuring HKU Singing Contest 2022 finalists)
Date: 6/10/2022 (Thu)
Time: 13:00-14:00
Venue: Happy Park (Sun Yat-sen Place)
Co-organiser: HKU Music Club
Registration (starts on 8/9/2022 (Thu)): 

Date Time Venue
06 Oct 2022 13:00 - 14:00 Happy Park (Sun Yat-sen Place)