F:A:C:E: Choice provides recommended arts and cultural programmes to students throughout the year. To widen students’ horizons in arts and culture, ticket subsidies will be offered to full-time HKU students to encourage the appreciation of different art forms, performances, or films.
This time we have picked GIRLS AND BOYS, co-produced by Edward Lam Dance Theatre and Rice Ballers Hong Kong, a Cantonese version of the same-named one-woman show by Dennis Kelly.
Interested students can apply via the link below, register for the performance, and discuss with Mr. Edward Lam and Ms. Jen Lam, director and actress from GIRLS AND BOYS in the sharing session. A full ticket subsidy will be offered upon attendance of both the performance and the sharing session.
F:A:C:E: Choice為同學介紹文化藝術節目,提供港大全日制學生門票資助,鼓勵同學欣賞不同類型的表演藝術或電影,擴闊學生對文化藝術的視野。今次我們挑選了「非常林奕華」與年輕創作劇團「一舊飯團」聯合製作的《#女與兒 GIRLS AND BOYS》,參加同學可透過Bio連結報名觀看《#女與兒 GIRLS AND BOYS》,然後出席藝文「傾」,與導演林奕華先生及主演林珍真進行交流,便可取得門票的全額資助。
▍Session 1: Theatre (Cantonese):
► Programme to be discussed: #女與兒GIRLS AND BOYS
Sharing Session
▍Session 2: Dance (English):
► Programme to be discussed: Jungle Book reimagined by Akram Khan Company (UK) 《叢林奇譚》再造版
Trailer: https://youtu.be/R9M2UIZFXHk
* Fully refundable upon attendance of the performance on 11/11 and sharing session on 14/11. Ticekts can be picked up from CEDARS-GE Staff at the venue on the show date. Further reminder will be sent to participants.
Sharing Session
Registration (All HKU Students): https://wp2.cedars.hku.hk/forms/node/750
This time we have picked GIRLS AND BOYS, co-produced by Edward Lam Dance Theatre and Rice Ballers Hong Kong, a Cantonese version of the same-named one-woman show by Dennis Kelly.
Interested students can apply via the link below, register for the performance, and discuss with Mr. Edward Lam and Ms. Jen Lam, director and actress from GIRLS AND BOYS in the sharing session. A full ticket subsidy will be offered upon attendance of both the performance and the sharing session.
F:A:C:E: Choice為同學介紹文化藝術節目,提供港大全日制學生門票資助,鼓勵同學欣賞不同類型的表演藝術或電影,擴闊學生對文化藝術的視野。今次我們挑選了「非常林奕華」與年輕創作劇團「一舊飯團」聯合製作的《#女與兒 GIRLS AND BOYS》,參加同學可透過Bio連結報名觀看《#女與兒 GIRLS AND BOYS》,然後出席藝文「傾」,與導演林奕華先生及主演林珍真進行交流,便可取得門票的全額資助。
▍Session 1: Theatre (Cantonese):
► Programme to be discussed: #女與兒GIRLS AND BOYS
Date: | 10/9/2022 (Sat) |
Time: | 15:00 – 16:30 |
Venue: | Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wan Chai |
Ticket fee*: | HK$190 |
Quota: | 10 |
Sharing Session
Guest Speakers: | Mr. Edward Lam 林奕華先生 (Director) & Ms. Jen Lam 林珍真女士 (Actor) |
Date: | 15/9/2022 (Thu) |
Time: | 16:30 – 18:00 |
Venue: | GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
Language: | Cantonese |
▍Session 2: Dance (English):
► Programme to be discussed: Jungle Book reimagined by Akram Khan Company (UK) 《叢林奇譚》再造版
Trailer: https://youtu.be/R9M2UIZFXHk
Date: | 11/11/2022 (Fri) |
Time: | 20:00 – 22:00 |
Venue: | Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre |
Ticket fee*: | HK$180 |
Quota: | 10 |
Sharing Session
Student Host: | Lucy Lu (MSocSc, Year 1) |
Date: | 14/11/2022 (Mon) |
Time: | 16:30 – 18:00 |
Venue: | GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
Language: | English |
Date | Time | Venue |
10 Sep 2022 | 15:00 - 16:30 | Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wan Chai |
15 Sep 2022 | 16:30 - 18:00 | GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
11 Nov 2022 | 20:00 - 22:00 | Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre |
14 Nov 2022 | 16:30 - 18:00 | GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
![]() | Edward Lam 林奕華 「非常林奕華」藝術總監,劇場導演。至今編導六十四齣原創作品。香港藝術發展獎藝術家年獎(戲劇)得主,並分別憑《男人與女人之戰爭與和平》、《紅娘的異想世界之在西廂》、《紅樓夢》三獲上海現代戲劇谷「壹戲劇大賞」年度最佳導演獎。2016年台灣《PAR表演藝術》雜誌出版第一本研究林奕華導演作品的著作《Who’s Afraid of 林奕華:在劇場,與禁忌玩遊戲》(徐硯美著)。1997年開始主持港大通識課程。 Artistic Director and Theatre Director of Edward Lam Dance Theatre, Lam founded Zuni Icosahedron with friends in the early 1980s, and established Edward Lam Dance Theatre during his residence in London (1989 to 1995). Since returning to Hong Kong in 1995, he has devoted himself to the theatre and has directed 64 original works. Lam was awarded “Best Director” at “Modern Drama Valley’s One Drama Awards” for his works, Men and Women, War and Peace (2010), The Doppelgänger (2012), and What is Sex (2017), and was named “Artist of the Year” (Theatre) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2017. His musical theatre piece, Art School Musical (2014) has toured over a dozen cities in Asia, and had its fourth rerun in Hong Kong at Freespace in October 2019. Books of Lam’s collected essays include Waiting For Hong Kong, The Meaning Of Entertainment, Evil But Glamorous, My TV Dinner Years, and Leading Ladies In The Mandarin Cinema. Who Is Afraid Of Edward Lam, Alexander Hsu’s analysis of Lam’s stage works from 2006 to 2015, was published by Performing Arts Review in Taiwan (2016). |
![]() | Jen Lam 林珍真 Artistic Director, Riceballer 「一舊飯團」藝術總監,女生獨腳戲編劇、演員及導演。獲得英國倫敦藝術大學中央聖馬丁學院(Central Saint Martins, UAL) 藝術及文化企業文學碩士,曾於海外(美國及澳洲)修讀表演藝術及獲戲劇學位,並於澳洲新南威爾斯大學 (UNSW) 完成藝術行政深造文憑證書課程。 2013年成立藝術單位《一舊飯團》,編寫並執導多部作品,包括女生獨腳戲系列《我們很快樂》(8度公演)、《親愛的, 請留言》等;為 西九文化區 X 非常林奕華《 一個邀請:人約吉場後》參與藝術家;藝術教育及推廣方面,曾為本地大學、大專院校及不同機構舉行戲劇工作坊及講座,推出香港首個全女生獨腳戲劇《Drama Queen 戲劇工作坊》。 |