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HKU Holistic Urban Farming - Herb Garden Monthly Meet-up
HKU Holistic Urban Farming - Herb Garden Monthly Meet-up
HKU Holistic Urban Farming - Herb Garden Monthly Meet-up

Taking a break during lunchtime is a great way to relax and recharge. The Herb Garden, located outside the main entrance of the Main Library, is a perfect spot for a break. The GE Team organises the "Herb Garden Monthly Meet-up" where you can harvest fresh herbs with the help of our staff. Normally, picking herbs on your own is not allowed, but during the meet-up, you can enjoy the experience of harvesting herbs. Additionally, a guided tour conducted by the carers of the Herb Garden will allow you to learn more about the herbs. Free herbs, seeds, and cuttings will be given to you to try planting at home.

Venue 地點: Herb Garden (outside 2/F entrance of the Main Library) 香草園 (大學圖書館二樓入口外)
Time 時間: 13:00 – 14:00

Registration starts on 18 Jan (Thu) at 10:00.

Session 1 第一節:
Date 日期: 29/1/2024 (Mon)
Special Guest 嘉賓: 陳不凡 (杉山農場負責人) Mr. Chan Pak Fan, Farmer of Cham Shan Farm 
Registration 報名: 

Session 2 第二節:
Date 日期: 26/2/2024 (Mon)
Special Guest 嘉賓陳不凡 (杉山農場負責人) Mr. Chan Pak Fan, Farmer of Cham Shan Farm 
Registration 報名: 

Session 3 第三節:
Date 日期: 25/3/2024 (Mon)
Registration 報名: 

香草園導賞及採收新鮮香草環節只開放給已報名人士。如情況許可,GE Team將安排即場候補報名,先到先得,額滿即止。
The Herb Garden guided tour and Fresh Herb Harvesting sessions are only available for registered HKU students and staff. Walk-in applicants will be considered if space is available on a first-come-first-served basis.

Date Time Venue
29 Jan 2024 13:00 - 14:00 Herb Garden (outside 2/F entrance of the Main Library)
26 Feb 2024 13:00 - 14:00 Herb Garden (outside 2/F entrance of the Main Library)
25 Mar 2024 13:00 - 14:00 Herb Garden (outside 2/F entrance of the Main Library)