通識(CEDARS-GE)多年來以同行者的身份與港大學生一同經歷和成長。我們和學生攝影師的鏡頭記錄了在港大校園中, 學生如何在既有的身份基礎上發現嶄新的自我,或追尋藝術夢想:他們可以是綠色生活的實踐者,是創作者,是表演者,是探險者,也可以是文化交流的引領者。
「港大的這趟旅程,有否曾經,或將會給予你甚麼身份? 」
Every summer, a new batch of freshmen enter the campus with anticipation, embarking on a journey of becoming an ‘HKU student’ for a few years; while the graduates in this summer shed their student identity, each setting off on their own path as ‘HKU graduates’. However, aside from the identities of ‘student’ and ‘graduate’, the campus still has various opportunities that allow students to discover and shape their unique personas, cultivating all kinds of possibilities.
CEDARS-GE, as a companion of HKUers, has accompanied HKU students in their experiences and growth over the years. We, together with student photographers, have recorded how students on the HKU campus discover new selves on the foundation of their existing identities, or pursue their artistic dreams - they can be green living practitioners, creators, performers, adventurers, and also cultural ambassadors.
Through this exhibition, the curating team can give you a glimpse of the different facets of HKUers, and also hope to provide more inspiration and direction for you to explore your own identities, and ponder:
‘What identities has this journey at HKU granted you, or what identities will it grant you in the future?’
展期 Exhibition period: 12 Aug 2024 – 17 Sep 2024 (Extended)
展覽詳情 Exhibition Details
開放時間 Opening hours: 10:00 – 18:00 (Mon – Fri)
地點 Venue: GE Gatherland, MB240, 2/F, Main Building, HKU
策展人 Curators: Tony Ng (CEDARS-GE), Qi Ziying Winnie (BSocSc, Year 4), Yeung Ying Hei Yianna (MBBS, Year 2)
導賞 Guided Tour
In the guided tour, we will provide an overview of this exhibition. We will reveal the inspiration behind this exhibition, discuss the development progress as the exhibition took shape, explain how we have integrated the various exhibits within the exhibition space, and unveil the hidden messages that are woven into the designs. The tour will offer attendees a comprehensive understanding of the exhibition's conceptualisation and curation.
日期 Dates: 2/9 (Mon), 3/9 (Tue) & 12/9 (Thu)
時間 Time: 16:00 – 16:15
地點 Venue: GE Gatherland, MB240, 2/F, Main Building, HKU
語言 Language: 廣東話及英語 Cantonese supplemented with English
Registration (for HKU students only)
2/9 (Mon): https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=96269
3/9 (Tue): https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=96274
12/9 (Thu): https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?UEID=96275
* Please note that the content for each tour session will be identical.
* The tour will only proceed if we have a minimum of 5 registrants 24 hours prior to the scheduled time. Registered attendees will receive a confirmation email the day before the tour.