The GE Gardener plays a vital role in supporting the daily operations of the garden and assisting in our green programmes.
GE Team is now recruiting dedicated nature lovers to devote their time and talent to the Herb Garden. No prior experience is needed and all HKU students and staff are welcome to be part of us.
Upon completion of the Training Programme, participants will become members of GE Gardener and assist in the planting and gardening work at the Herb Garden.
Change of Dates 日期更改: 13/6 20/6, 27/6 & 4/7 (Thu)
*Backup dates 後備日期: 11/7 or 18/7 (Thu)
*In the event of adverse weather, the particular session will be postponed to the designated backup dates mentioned above.
時間 Time: 15:00 – 17:00
地點 Venue: GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) & Herb Garden (outside 2/F entrance of the Main Library)
講者 Speaker: 陳不凡 (杉山農場負責人) Mr. Chan Pak Fan, Farmer of Cham Shan Farm
語言 Language: Cantonese 粵語 (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request)
- 港大學生 HKU Student: $100 (Deposit 按金) 出席最少兩節培訓課程,可獲退回按金HK$100 Participants who complete at least 2 sessions of the Training Workshops will be entitled to a refund of a deposit of HK$100.
- 港大職員 HKU Staff: $200 (Fee 費用)
Eligibility: HKU students and staff who are passionate about gardening/farming and sustainability.
出席率要求: 出席最少兩節培訓課程,學生可獲退回按金$100
Attendance Requirement: Students have to complete at least 2 sessions of the Training Workshops and a deposit of HK$100 will be refunded.
成為通識種植大使: 優先採收新鮮香草/優先報名部分通識活動
As a GE Gardener, you will be entitled to: Priority harvesting of fresh herbs in the garden/ Priority booking of some of the GE programmes.
HKU Students: https://onlinepytsysprd.feo.hku.hk/event/110838?code=b890709a8b504947953230f475d4a631&preview=1
HKU Staff: https://onlinepytsysprd.feo.hku.hk/event/110837?code=ae91128487d4423daba749158c9cbc0d
The GE Gardener plays a vital role in supporting the daily operations of the garden and assisting in our green programmes.
GE Team is now recruiting dedicated nature lovers to devote their time and talent to the Herb Garden. No prior experience is needed and all HKU students and staff are welcome to be part of us.
Upon completion of the Training Programme, participants will become members of GE Gardener and assist in the planting and gardening work at the Herb Garden.
Change of Dates 日期更改: 13/6 20/6, 27/6 & 4/7 (Thu)
*Backup dates 後備日期: 11/7 or 18/7 (Thu)
*In the event of adverse weather, the particular session will be postponed to the designated backup dates mentioned above.
時間 Time: 15:00 – 17:00
地點 Venue: GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) & Herb Garden (outside 2/F entrance of the Main Library)
講者 Speaker: 陳不凡 (杉山農場負責人) Mr. Chan Pak Fan, Farmer of Cham Shan Farm
語言 Language: Cantonese 粵語 (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request)
- 港大學生 HKU Student: $100 (Deposit 按金) 出席最少兩節培訓課程,可獲退回按金HK$100 Participants who complete at least 2 sessions of the Training Workshops will be entitled to a refund of a deposit of HK$100.
- 港大職員 HKU Staff: $200 (Fee 費用)
培訓課程內容 Programme content
報名詳情Application Details
對象: 香港大學學生及職員,對種植/耕種及永續有熱誠Date | Time | Content |
20/6/2024 (Thu) | 15:00 – 17:00 | 1. 甚麼是有機耕作? What is organic farming? 2. 種植計劃與準備 Planting plan and preparation 3. 肥力及水份管理 Soil fertility and water management |
27/6/2024 (Thu) | 15:00 – 17:00 | 1. 播種及繁殖 Sowing and propagation 2. 田間與雜草管理 Field and weed management 3. 如何修剪植物 Plants pruning |
4/7/2024 (Thu) (Change of date) | 15:00 – 17:00 | 1. 預防病蟲害 Prevention of pests and diseases 2. 收成及後續處理 Harvesting and post-harvest processing |
報名詳情Application Details
Eligibility: HKU students and staff who are passionate about gardening/farming and sustainability.
出席率要求: 出席最少兩節培訓課程,學生可獲退回按金$100
Attendance Requirement: Students have to complete at least 2 sessions of the Training Workshops and a deposit of HK$100 will be refunded.
成為通識種植大使: 優先採收新鮮香草/優先報名部分通識活動
As a GE Gardener, you will be entitled to: Priority harvesting of fresh herbs in the garden/ Priority booking of some of the GE programmes.
HKU Students: https://onlinepytsysprd.feo.hku.hk/event/110838?code=b890709a8b504947953230f475d4a631&preview=1
HKU Staff: https://onlinepytsysprd.feo.hku.hk/event/110837?code=ae91128487d4423daba749158c9cbc0d
Date | Time | Venue |
20 Jun 2024 | 15:00 - 17:00 | GE Gatherland 240 & Herb Garden |
27 Jun 2024 | 15:00 - 17:00 | GE Gatherland 240 & Herb Garden |
04 Jul 2024 | 15:00 - 17:00 | GE Gatherland 240 & Herb Garden |