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Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2018 – 2019
Search:  GE2018-

Laugh Out Loud or Lots of Love;or both? 
Is love the ultimate panacea to our daily problems?

2019 is a big year of many momentous commemorations: the May Fourth Movement (1919); the Establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC); Woodstock (Summer of Love) and the Stonewall Incident (1969); the Tiananmen Incident, the Collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Eastern European Bloc (1989); Pre-Millennium Bug Anxiety Syndrome (1999)... Most, if not all, of these can foster in us thoughts and wisdom about how we can face the future challenges. And one of the qualities that makes us stronger is love. Let us discover, or re-discover, the meaning of various forms of love and brace ourselves for another thrilling year ahead.

Enrolment Counters
17/1 (Thu)10:00 – 17:00K.K Leung Concourse
18/1 (Fri) onwards09:30 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 18:15GE Office, 2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building
Programme Title
Guided Tour to the Hong Kong News-Expo
Guided Tour to the Hong Kong News-Expo
Ms. Chan Siu Ping
Located at the former Bridges Street Market in Central District, the Hong Kong News-Expo ...

HandiSongs: Tertiary Students’ Musical Tribute to Our City’s Craftspersons
HandiSongs: Tertiary Students’ Musical Tribute to Our City’s Craftspersons
《一手歌:聽城內的那雙手》—— 大專生 X 社區 X 音樂
Dr. Chow Yiu Fai 周耀輝博士
以音樂、文字、影像為媒介的創作計劃,鼓勵大專生走入社區,發掘及描寫手工藝人,以歌曲紀錄城市,讓我們再次看看他們的工藝,聽聽她們的故事,感受為那雙手寫的每一首歌,以此提起大專生對藝術 ...

Let’s Swing! Let’s Dance!
Let’s Swing! Let’s Dance!
Ms. Karen Tong
Swing dance was developed with the swinging style of jazz music from the 1920s-1940s. ...

Sustainable Urban Farming Workshop
Sustainable Urban Farming Workshop
Ms. Carol Fung 馮麗晶女士 
Mr. Tam Yip Shing 譚業成先生 
***Registration quota is full.***人與大自然的關係密切,可惜城市人生活忙碌,一切但求方便快捷,例如甚少購買新鮮食材親自下廚,以致五穀不分,也就失去對 ...

Herbal DIY: Planting, Processing and Using
Herbal DIY: Planting, Processing and Using
Mr. Gary Tse 謝友捷先生 
香草彷彿是不起眼的陪襯角色,但真正懂得烹調料理的人就知道,香草是最佳的天然調味材料,而且用途廣泛,調味之外更可沖泡香草茶、製作護膚用品及裝飾擺設,充滿各種療癒效果。更令人意想不到的 ...

HKU Earth Day 2019
HKU Earth Day 2019
The social upheaval in America in the 1960s has generated a series of movements standing ...

Monthly Harvest Lunch
Monthly Harvest Lunch
Freshly harvested vegetables from our own HKU Rooftop Farm and herbs from our new ...

Wednesday Chill@HKU Herb Garden
Wednesday Chill@HKU Herb Garden
HKU Herb Garden (Since 2018)The Herb Garden, located outside the 2/F entrance of ...

‘One Country, Two Systems: Past, Present and Way Forward’ Forum Series
‘One Country, Two Systems: Past, Present and Way Forward’ Forum Series
Prof. Johannes Chan SC 陳文敏教授
Dr. Lee Hoey Simon 李浩然博士
Mr. Jasper Tsang 曾鈺成先生
Mrs. Regina Ip Lau Suk Yee, GBS, JP 葉劉淑儀 GBS, JP
Hon Dennis Kwok 郭榮鏗議員
Mr. James Tien 田北俊先生
Mr. Kevin Lau 劉進圖先生
Prof. Lui Tai Lok 呂大樂教授
Prof. Sung Yun-Wing 宋恩榮教授
Ms. Ada Wong JP 黃英琦女士
香港特別行政區已踏進了《基本法》所說「五十年不變」的中段,你心中或許充滿疑問,渴望梳理歷史,思索前路。為此,我們請來不同界別的嘉賓,與你一同探討一國兩制,繼續未完的法律討論,直面2 ...

When Orson Welles meets Wong Kar-wai: Film Critics Workshop
When Orson Welles meets Wong Kar-wai: Film Critics Workshop
Ka Ming 家明 
甚麼是影評?影評有哪些方向?寫影評要具備甚麼條件?看電影還要學麼?……且慢,或許更核心的問題是:影評,還有價值麼?影評人家明將透過兩節工作坊,深入剖析兩 ...

Global News Chat and Seminar: Defining Moments in History
Global News Chat and Seminar: Defining Moments in History
Dr. C. Roland Vogt
Dr. Kenneth Chan 陳家洛博士
2019 marks several anniversaries of global events that shaped the modern history ...

A Life in a Sea of Red – Liu Heung Shing’s Photography of Communism in China and Russia
A Life in a Sea of Red – Liu Heung Shing’s Photography of Communism in China and Russia
Mr. Liu Heung Shing
The newly published book A Life in a Sea of Red contains the two most important bodies ...

Screening of #Female Pleasure and Discussion on Women's Rights
Screening of #Female Pleasure and Discussion on Women's Rights
Celebration of International Women’s DayDocumentary Screening:#Female PleasureSwitze ...

The March to Stonewall 50! Screening and Discussion on LGBTQ Movements
The March to Stonewall 50! Screening and Discussion on LGBTQ Movements
Mr. John Catania 
Mr. Charles Ignacio
Mr. Brian Leung
For the majority of historians, the 1969 Stonewall Riots signalled the birth of the ...

GEST Recruitment – be part of GE!
GEST Recruitment – be part of GE!
GEST\ˈjest \: GE Student Team 通識為港大同學提供不帶學分課程,由海報設計、度橋宣傳、派發傳單、主持論壇、接待嘉賓、人潮管制、朝拍晚播,以至烹 ...

F:A:C:E: Subsidy
F:A:C:E: Subsidy
F:A:C:E: = Fascinating Arts and Cultural ExperiencesF:A:C:E: 鼓勵同學創作,無論是做展覽、拍短片、出版抑或搞講 ...

HKU Rooftop Farm & Monthly Community Day
HKU Rooftop Farm & Monthly Community Day
HKU Rooftop Farm (since 2013) Starting in 2013, The HKU Rooftop Farm Project, co-organised ...

West Kowloon Cultural District - Xiqu Centre Guided Tours
西九文化區 - 戲曲中心導賞團
戲曲歷史源遠流長,文化底蘊深厚,一小時的導賞團帶你遊走今年初開幕的戲曲中心主要設施,了解每個空間設計如何配合戲曲獨特的藝術需要。導賞員會沿途講解戲曲及中國文化的有趣知識,從演員的唱 ...

Book Club –  Being Mortal
Book Club – Being Mortal
Mr. Kevin Lau 劉進圖先生 
***Registration quota is full***Required Reading:Being Mortal: Medicine and What ...

Storytelling as Art
Storytelling as Art
Prof. Lung Yingtai 龍應台教授 
***Registration quota is full. Successful registrants will receive a confirmation ...

Tribute to Hong Kong Writers: Yasi, Liu Yichang and Jin Yong On Love and Passion
Tribute to Hong Kong Writers: Yasi, Liu Yichang and Jin Yong On Love and Passion
向香港作家致意:與也斯、劉以鬯、金庸談情 ——城市蒼茫 江湖滾滾
Dr. Wong King Fai 黃勁輝博士 
Dr. Sonia Au 歐嘉麗博士 
Mr. Nico Tang 鄧烱榕先生 
Dr. Mary Wong 黃淑嫻博士 
Mr. Lawrence Pun 潘國靈先生 
Ms. Eva Wong 黃怡女士
Mr. Kevin Lau 劉進圖先生 
Ms. Zheng Feng 鄭丰女士 
Mr. Matthew Cheng 鄭政恆先生 
看透人間滋味和人情曲折的也斯、在喧囂都市裏描畫錯綜複雜情感的劉以鬯、創造江湖寫盡英雄俠義兒女情長的金庸,透過他們書寫的人書寫的事,在不同的文學版圖上投注下時間、創造力與愛。2019 ...

In the House
In the House
歐陽偉豪博士 Ben Sir
蕭叔叔 Uncle Siu
鄭中基先生 Mr. Ronald Cheng
黃秋生先生 Mr. Anthony Wong
The Low Mays
通識聯同CapTV擷電視合作,炮製一系列《薄扶林主場》活動,邀請不同領域的城中紅人來到港大同你傾偈。四場傾偈活動唔係純粹講,到時同學可以與嘉賓在校園內輕鬆互動,以本地的流行議題出發 ...

Poon Choi Banquet x Spring Lantern Festival x Games
Poon Choi Banquet x Spring Lantern Festival x Games
***Registration quota is full.***適逢農曆正月十五為中國情人節,讓我們用蘿蔔冬菇與情感一起翻滾,共渡一個既浪漫又喜氣洋洋的晚上。宴會敬備棋局及麻雀耍 ...

Day Camp at the Tsz Shan Monastery
Day Camp at the Tsz Shan Monastery
***Registration quota is full.***If you are tired of staying on campus and looking ...

Geo Trip to Po Toi Island
Geo Trip to Po Toi Island
Mr. Jackie Chu 朱晉德先生 
擁有「香港南極」之稱的蒲台島位於香港的最南端,以經過長年風化、形狀各異的奇岩聞名,當中包括被譽為「香港十大最美岩石」的靈龜上山及佛手岩。透過遊歷島上不同景點,從歷史及自然角度,認識 ...

Happy Thursday – Tea from Around the World
Happy Thursday – Tea from Around the World
Mr. Mohamed Gadelrab
Ms. Chiao Yu Ting, Tina
Ms. Jang Ji Yoon
Ms. Zhang Naiwen
Ms. Tang Tingzi
Ms. Yuan Mengfei
Ms. Saira Ambreen
Ms. Pernilla Vanessa Mercier

Get to know more about your HKU international peers and their home countries’ ...

Book Club –  The Jazz Age: the rise and decline of the American Dream
Book Club – The Jazz Age: the rise and decline of the American Dream
Mr. Peter Lai 黎慶寧先生 
Dr. Wong Chi Chung Elvin 黃志淙博士 
***Registration quota is full.***Required Readings:The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald ...

3-Day-2-Night Camp – In Search of Love with Edward Lam
3-Day-2-Night Camp – In Search of Love with Edward Lam
Mr. Edward Lam 林奕華先生
愛 • 情生活稱不上如意的港大舊生張愛玲說:「像我們這樣生長在都市文化中的人,總是先看見海的圖畫,後看見海;先讀到愛情小說,後知道愛…& ...

Book Club –  Merchants of Doubt
Book Club – Merchants of Doubt
Dr. Harry Wu 吳易叡博士 
Dr. Stephen Ng 吳頌安博士 
Required Reading:Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth ...

Music Salon: From Woodstock to Love & Peace and More
Music Salon: From Woodstock to Love & Peace and More
Dr. Wong Chi Chung Elvin 黃志淙博士 
2019 is a big year to commemorate a series of major historical cultural epics and ...

Filmatic – Weekly Movie Salons curated by students
Filmatic – Weekly Movie Salons curated by students
Mr. Vincent Chen (BSocSc Year 4)
Ms. Katerina Au (BA Year 3)
Ms. Angela Liu (BA Year 3)
Ms. Sylvia Mah (BSocSc Year 3)
Ms. Casey Tan (BA Year 3)
Weekly Regular ScreeningsDates: Every Thursday except Reading Week and University ...

TA-TA Party
TA-TA Party
Every year we hold the WoW Party on campus to launch the latest academic journey ...

Curator’s Gig
Curator’s Gig
Mr. Wang Pei Jun, Ted
Curator's Gig empowers you to curate your own music gig. Our versatile GE Gatherland ...

GEST Skills Sharing
GEST Skills Sharing
Mr. Yu Shing Chun
Ms. Eeshaanee Shandilya

GEST Skills Sharing is a platform for talented students to showcase their unique ...

GEST Training: Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop
GEST Training: Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop
Mr. Steven Chan 陳永傑先生 
探索世界不應被語言阻隔!故此,通識以粵語主講的活動皆附設英語或普通話即時傳譯,讓來自不同地區的學生都可擁有相同的學習機會。為通識擔任即時傳譯員的同學大部份正在修讀翻譯。要成為一位稱 ...

Silent Art Fair – Inspirations from Tea, Drum & Singing Bowls
Silent Art Fair – Inspirations from Tea, Drum & Singing Bowls
常展法師 Venerable Chang Zhan 
曾文通先生 Mr. Tsang Man Tung
林灒桐女士 Ms. Lam Tsan Tong Mavis
黃瀅女士 Ms. Wong Ying Shirley
GE2018-43APre-talk 禪藝是一種融合禪修觀念和藝術媒介的學習方法。 以靜心作為基礎,進而以感官學習培養敏銳的心;即所謂「學習不說話,不說話學習。 ...