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Keen Lyricist Quest 2023-24 – Preview of Outstanding Works Showcase
「堅詞 gin1 ci4」創作 2023-24 – 得獎作品音樂會預演
Date 日期:  22 Feb 2024
Time 時間: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Venue 地點: G/F, William MW Mong Block, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Summary 內容: 
由CEDARS-GE主辦的《「堅詞」創作》歌詞創作比賽反應熱烈,收到近90個參賽作品。得獎作品將於2月29日的作品分享音樂會表演。在作品分享音樂會前,部分得獎同學將率先於2月22日聯同特別嘉賓Medici Cantano於醫學院作預演。如果想提早欣賞得獎作品,記得來參加醫學院的音樂會!

Keen Lyricist Quest – Lyrics Writing Competition which is organised by CEDARS-GE received an overwhelming response with almost 90 entries of lyrics. Some of the winning groups will perform with our special guest, Medici Cantano which is an acapella group formed by HKU medical students, at Medical Campus on 22 Feb (Thu). Don’t miss the chance to preview some of the outstanding works by our prize-winners and talented students!

日期 Date: 22/02/2024 (Thu)
時間 Time: 13:00 – 14:00
地點 Venue: G/F, William MW Mong Block, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU

Registration (HKU Students & Staff) 

演出作品 Featuring Works:

Keen Lyricist Quest 2023-2024
最受歡迎作品 Most Popular Works on Instagram:  
《棉被雨》- Chen Yu Yu Amber 
《Sweetest Desire》- Li Austin Chun Yat

特別演出 Special Performance:
Keen Lyricist Quest 2022-23 - 2nd Runner-up (Original)
《循環》- Nicole Lee
Acapella group formed by HKU medical students
Medici Cantano

This lunch-time performance is jointly presented by CEDARS-GE and LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU.


更多關於《「堅詞」創作》2023-24 的資訊
More about Keen Lyricist Quest 2023-2024