Public Lecture
Sounditation® : Singing Bowl Sound Journey
Date 日期: | |
23 Jan 2025 |
Time 時間: | | 1:00pm - 2:00pm |
Venue 地點: | | The Bricks Wall, Centennial Garden, HKU |
Speaker(s) 講師: | | 曾文通 Tsang Man Tung Allpamama
Summary 內容: | | 一起在港大百周年紀念花園靜聽頌缽的聲音,讓身心放慢下來,融入這片空間,感受聲音帶來的平靜。
Let's listen to the sound of singing bowls in the Centennial Garden of the University of Hong Kong, allowing our bodies and minds to slow down, immersing ourselves in this green space, and feeling the tranquillity brought by the sound and experiencing ourselves.
This project is supported by Whole-person Development Fund.
日期 Date: Jan 23, 2025 (Thu) 時間 Time: 13:00 – 14:00 地點 Venue: The Bricks Wall, Centennial Garden, HKU* 嘉賓 Performers: 曾文通 (跨領域藝術家) Tsang Man Tung (Interdisciplinary Artist), 及 Allpamama 團隊 語言 Language: Cantonese (supplemented with English)
報名 Registration (for HKU Students & Staff)
*Remarks: 活動將於草地上進行,參加者請自備坐墊或瑜伽墊,並請穿著寬鬆長褲及衣物。 The activity will be held on the grass field. Participants can bring your own seat cushion or yoga mat and wear loose comfortable clothing.
活動當日如遇下雨,演出將遷移到香港大學黃麗松講堂舉行。請密切留意我們在網站或IG的公佈。 In the event of wet weather, the performance will be relocated to Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU. Participants are encouraged to stay updated on any further announcements regarding the event on our website or IG.
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: | |
 | 曾文通 Tsang Man Tung
跨領域藝術家 Interdisciplinary Artist
曾文通是一位跨領域當代藝術家,涉獵的範疇包括劇場、視覺藝術、音樂及藝術教育等。畢業於香港演藝學院,2009年獲得亞洲文化協會獎助金,到美國耶魯大學戲劇學院擔任研究學者。曾榮獲多個本地及海外獎項,2017年獲世界劇場設計展佈景設計專業組銀獎。他曾創作多部靜觀劇場作品,包括《八步瑜伽》及今年上演的《經行頌缽》,深受歡迎。 他亦是一名頌缽藝術家,擁有豐富的演奏經驗。除了教授外,還把頌缽結合至不同領域。2010年成立了 Allpamama,主張藝術、生活、音樂和靜心的平衡。2022年啟動「Sounditation靜音模式」項目。
Tsang Man Tung is an interdisciplinary artist whose practice incorporates theatre, visual arts, music, and arts education. He graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and received the Asian Cultural Council fellowship in 2009. He served as a research fellow at the Yale School of Drama. He has received numerous local and international awards for his scenography, including the Award for Best Artist (Theatre) at the 2008 HK Arts Development Awards and the Silver Prize for Set Design at the 2017 World Stage Design. He has created several theatrical meditation productions, including last year's "Ashtanga” and this year's “Cankramati”, both of which have been well-received by the public. Tsang is also an artist of Himalayan singing bowls, with extensive performance experience. In 2010, he founded Allpamama, advocating for a balance of art, life, music, and meditation. In 2022, he launched the "Sounditation" initiative, promoting sound as a method for meditation. |