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Screening and Discussion:
Date 日期:  19 Feb 2019
Time 時間: 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Venue 地點: CYPP4, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, HKU
Medium 語言: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation will be provided upon request by 12/2)
Speaker(s) 講師: 黃勁輝博士 Dr. Wong King Fai
潘國靈先生 Mr. Lawrence Pun
黃怡小姐 Ms. Eva Wong
Moderator: 黃淑嫻博士 Dr. Mary Wong
Summary 內容: 2017 | 105 min | In Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese) with traditional Chinese or English subtitles

本放映及映後談為「向香港作家致意:與也斯、劉以鬯、金庸談情 ——城市蒼茫  江湖滾滾」系列之一。

參考作品 References

.錯綜複雜的情感,猶如萬花筒,轉一轉,變一變,沒有兩種相同 ——《酒徒》

For HKU students and staff –
For alumni and public –

General Education, Centre of Development and Resources for Students, HKU
Faculty of Arts, HKU
Supported by: Department of Comparative Literature, School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts, HKU

Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: 黃勁輝博士 Dr. Wong King Fai (Director of 1918)
潘國靈先生 Mr. Lawrence Pun (Fiction Writer and Cultural Critic)
黃怡小姐 Ms. Eva Wong (Writer and Editor-at-large at fleurs des lettres)
Moderator: 黃淑嫻博士 Dr. Mary Wong (Associate Professor, Chinese Department; Director, MA in Chinese, Lingnan University)