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Hall of Wisdom: Paul Shieh
Hall of Wisdom: Paul Shieh
Co-presented by HKU GE and RTHK, the lecture series Hall of Wisdom will bring masters from different sectors to HKU. The generation that helped lay the groundwork and build our city will share their insights with the successors. Note that mindless replication of past success will not make you successful. We invite you to ask questions, refresh yourselves with their drive and the dynamism, and turn their experiences into invaluable wisdom. You can bring this knowledge transfer to make your contribution to your home’s continued success, wherever you are from.
The half-hour highlights of Hall of Wisdom will be broadcast every Wednesday at 18:00 on TVB Jade starting 16/11/2016 (Wed), while the full versions will be broadcast every Monday at 21:00 on RTHK TV 31 starting March 2017.

Speaker: Paul Shieh SC 石永泰資深大律師 (前大律師公會主席 )
Guest: Mr. Kevin Yam 任建峰先生 (法政匯思召集人)
Date: 11/10 (Tue)
Time: 19:30 – 21:30
Venue: Wang Gungwu Theatre
Language: Cantonese
Moderator: Mr. Vincent Tsui (徐緣先生)

Co-organiser: RTHKTV31
Website: RTHK web
Logo calligraphy: 青山不墨

Limited quota, first come first admitted.
Enrolment at counters (for HKU students only) starts at 10:00 on 7/9 (Wed), at K.K. Leung Concourse. Each student can submit the enrolment form for himself/herself only.

Online registration (starts at 10:00 on 8/9 (Thu)):
For HKU students and staff:
For alumni and public:

Lecture (11 Oct 2016)
港大通識與香港電台電視部合作,推出一系列《大學問》講座。來自不同界別,赤手空拳建立香港、思索香港的一代,雲集大學講堂裏,與後輩對談。 本節由前大律師公會主席石永泰資深大律師主講,並邀請法政匯思召集人任建峰先生擔任嘉賓,二人將與在場同學大談法治的真相。

Co-presented by HKU GE and RTHK, the lecture series Hall of Wisdom will bring masters from different sectors to HKU. In this episode, Paul Shieh SC, former Chairman of the Bar Association, and Mr. Kevin Yam, Convenor of Progressive Lawyers Group, will share with you the inconvenient truth of the rule of law.

Online registration:
For HKU students and staff:
For alumni and public: 
Speaker(s) 講師: Paul Shieh SC(石永泰資深大律師)
Mr Kevin Yam(任建峰先生)
Medium 語言: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request by 4/10)