Mentorship Programme & Photo Exhibition
The mentorship programme provides a chance for students to meet and exchange with professional and renowned photographers. Successful applicants will be divided into 3 groups. Each consists of 1 mentor and 3 to 4 mentees.
During the mentorship period, students will take initiative to contact their respective mentors and update their progress of the project. Advice on their concept development, quality of works, and presentation will be given by mentors.
At the end of the programme, each student will present their work in a format of a photo exhibition at GE Gatherland.
張康生先生 Mr. Enoch Cheung
孫樹坤先生 Mr. Leon Suen
劉清平先生 Mr. Lau Ching Ping
Online Enrolment Form: http://gened.hku.hk/forms/node/525
Required Workshops
My Ten Quirky Picks on Books about Photography
What is ‘Quirky’? Different people will have different interpretations for it. But what would probably be agreed is the implications of being ‘non-mainstream’ and ‘unorthodox’. In this lecture, Enoch Cheung will speak about ten different possibilities with photography that he discovered through reading ten ‘quirky’ books. He aims to share these with fellow photography lovers who would like to broaden their perspective and to hone their personal touch.
▍Speaker: 張康生先生 Mr. Enoch Cheung
Date: 17/9 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: GE Gatherland2001
Language: Cantonese
Online registration starts at 10:00 on 5/9 (Thu):
HKU Students Only - https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=67092
Shooting Documentary Photography: Where to Start and Where to End
How to start a documentary photography project, and how to end it? — These may sound like just good, common sense. But very often they are the deciding factors whether a project is a success or a failure. In this talk, Leon Suen will examine some of the most famous works in the history of documentary photography to elucidate the key success factors behind these great legacies.
▍Speaker: 孫樹坤先生 Mr. Leon Suen
Date: 24/9 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: GE Gatherland2001
Language: Cantonese
Online registration starts at 10:00 on 5/9 (Thu):
HKU Students Only - https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=67094
Photo Reading Room
The photo reading room starts with writing your shooting ideas, then combining the photos into a collection, arranging the sequences of the images, selecting printing and filming materials and finally presenting the photography works professionally. We will read and see the photos closely with white gloves. You are welcome to bring your own photography books for exchange.
▍Speaker: 劉清平先生Mr. Lau Ching Ping
Date: 30/9 (Mon)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: GE Gatherland2001
Language: Cantonese
In Conversation with Almond Chu
From studying photography in Japan in the1980s to being one of the most representative Hong Kong photographers today, Almond Chu has been practicing artistic and commercial photography for almost 30 years. In this session he will be in conversation with Lau Ching Ping, sharing his artistic practice, providing an understanding about the major aspects of the photography enterprise in Hong Kong, which include finding inspirations, production making, exhibition planning, business management and gallery practice.
▍Speakers: 朱德華先生及劉清平先生 Mr. Almond Chu & Mr. Lau Ching Ping
Date: 3/10 (Thu)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: GE Gatherland2001
Language: Cantonese
Online registration starts at 10:00 on 5/9 (Thu):
HKU Students Only - https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=67095
Mentorship Programme (including workshops and photo exhibition)
Deposit*: $200 (will be refunded upon full attendance of the programme)
Quota: 12
Online Enrolment Form: http://gened.hku.hk/forms/node/525
*For unsuccessful applicants, the deposit will be fully refunded after announcement of application results.
The following workshops are open for individual enrolment.
GE2019-12A / GE2019-12B / GE2019-12D
Quota for each workshop: 30
Co-organiser: Hong Kong International Photo Festival
The mentorship programme provides a chance for students to meet and exchange with professional and renowned photographers. Successful applicants will be divided into 3 groups. Each consists of 1 mentor and 3 to 4 mentees.
During the mentorship period, students will take initiative to contact their respective mentors and update their progress of the project. Advice on their concept development, quality of works, and presentation will be given by mentors.
At the end of the programme, each student will present their work in a format of a photo exhibition at GE Gatherland.
張康生先生 Mr. Enoch Cheung
孫樹坤先生 Mr. Leon Suen
劉清平先生 Mr. Lau Ching Ping
Online Enrolment Form: http://gened.hku.hk/forms/node/525
Required Workshops
My Ten Quirky Picks on Books about Photography
What is ‘Quirky’? Different people will have different interpretations for it. But what would probably be agreed is the implications of being ‘non-mainstream’ and ‘unorthodox’. In this lecture, Enoch Cheung will speak about ten different possibilities with photography that he discovered through reading ten ‘quirky’ books. He aims to share these with fellow photography lovers who would like to broaden their perspective and to hone their personal touch.
▍Speaker: 張康生先生 Mr. Enoch Cheung
Date: 17/9 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: GE Gatherland2001
Language: Cantonese
Online registration starts at 10:00 on 5/9 (Thu):
HKU Students Only - https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=67092
Shooting Documentary Photography: Where to Start and Where to End
How to start a documentary photography project, and how to end it? — These may sound like just good, common sense. But very often they are the deciding factors whether a project is a success or a failure. In this talk, Leon Suen will examine some of the most famous works in the history of documentary photography to elucidate the key success factors behind these great legacies.
▍Speaker: 孫樹坤先生 Mr. Leon Suen
Date: 24/9 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: GE Gatherland2001
Language: Cantonese
Online registration starts at 10:00 on 5/9 (Thu):
HKU Students Only - https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=67094
Photo Reading Room
The photo reading room starts with writing your shooting ideas, then combining the photos into a collection, arranging the sequences of the images, selecting printing and filming materials and finally presenting the photography works professionally. We will read and see the photos closely with white gloves. You are welcome to bring your own photography books for exchange.
▍Speaker: 劉清平先生Mr. Lau Ching Ping
Date: 30/9 (Mon)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: GE Gatherland2001
Language: Cantonese
In Conversation with Almond Chu
From studying photography in Japan in the1980s to being one of the most representative Hong Kong photographers today, Almond Chu has been practicing artistic and commercial photography for almost 30 years. In this session he will be in conversation with Lau Ching Ping, sharing his artistic practice, providing an understanding about the major aspects of the photography enterprise in Hong Kong, which include finding inspirations, production making, exhibition planning, business management and gallery practice.
▍Speakers: 朱德華先生及劉清平先生 Mr. Almond Chu & Mr. Lau Ching Ping
Date: 3/10 (Thu)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: GE Gatherland2001
Language: Cantonese
Online registration starts at 10:00 on 5/9 (Thu):
HKU Students Only - https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=67095
4/9 (Wed) – 10/9 (Tue) | Enrolment Applicants are required to submit portfolio project idea and choice of mentors. |
11/9 (Wed) | Announcement of application results |
11/9 (Wed) – 20/10 (Sun) | Mentorship Period Mentees are encouraged to take the initiative and meet their mentor around 2 to 3 times throughout the period. |
Week of 14/10 (Mon) Reading Week | Output & Framing |
Oct 21 (Mon) – Nov 8 (Fri) | Exhibition Each student will be assigned a wall area of roughly 3ft wide x 5ft high at GE Gatherland. A maximum production subsidy of $300 will be provided to each student on a reimbursement basis. |
Mentorship Programme (including workshops and photo exhibition)
Deposit*: $200 (will be refunded upon full attendance of the programme)
Quota: 12
Online Enrolment Form: http://gened.hku.hk/forms/node/525
*For unsuccessful applicants, the deposit will be fully refunded after announcement of application results.
The following workshops are open for individual enrolment.
GE2019-12A / GE2019-12B / GE2019-12D
Quota for each workshop: 30
Co-organiser: Hong Kong International Photo Festival
Date | Time | Venue |
17 Sep 2019 | 18:45 - 20:45 | GE Gatherland2001 |
24 Sep 2019 | 18:45 - 20:45 | GE Gatherland2001 |
30 Sep 2019 | 18:45 - 20:45 | GE Gatherland2001 |
03 Oct 2019 | 18:45 - 20:45 | GE Gatherland2001 |
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Mr. Enoch Cheung
澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術碩士學位,倫敦藝術大學雀兒喜藝術與設計學院藝術碩士,荷蘭格羅寧根漢斯大學互動媒體及環境藝術碩士。熱衷跨媒介創作,近年思考作品與策展的關係。作品《偽事物》系列,結合策展與藝術創作,探索不同媒介的可塑性,當中包括「滴溚滴」展覽中以咖啡刺激身體反應的《偽書寫》;另發起「偽 ‧ 集藝─藝術人的收集物」展覽,去討論收集與收藏行為對藝術家的意義。

孫樹坤先生Mr. Leon Suen
資深新聞攝影工作者,曾在1993及1994年擔任香港攝影記者協會主席,其間策劃了「瞬息訊息」新聞攝影展 (1993),「香港二十四小時」攝影活動及同名的展覽(1994-1995)。前者回顧了六十年代至九十年代的香港新聞攝影,後者則提倡市民透過攝影記錄香港在回歸中國過程中的種種變化。在2000年與何慶基合作策劃「香港新聞攝影發展史」展覽。現致力攝影教育和推廣。

劉清平先生Mr. Lau Ching Ping
聯展包括:「香港:人與環境」(1984)、香港「城市變奏:香港藝術家西方媒介近作展」(1992)、「當代香港藝術雙年展」(1992)、「中、港、台當代攝影展」(1994)、「香港論」(1998)、「香港觀記」(2005)、香港文化博物館「城市漫遊者 ─ 社會紀實攝影」(2010)、「I Think It Rains: Burger Collection’s Quadrilogy 2」(2013)、連州國際攝影年展(2006)、平遙國際攝影節 (2011 & 2014)及韓國首爾Total Museum of Contemporary Art「相對性都市」(2013)。
作品為廣東美術館、香港文化博物館、Google Art Project 及私人收藏。

朱德華先生Mr. Almond Chu
1993年獲亞洲文化協會(美國洛克菲勒基金分會)頒發愛克發基金青年攝影家獎。2004年應德國波恩大學邀請出席 Art & Exhibition Hall of Deutschland 所舉辦的國際藝術研討會為主講者之一。2005 年創立攝影組織 pH5 攝影連動,致力推動香港藝術攝影文化。他亦是香港國際攝影節創辦人之一。曾獲提名百達世界環保攝影獎(2015 )及以色列博物館舉辦的 The Shpilman International Prize of Excellence in Photography(2018)。
作品藏於俄羅斯莫斯科國立普希金造型藝術博物館、香港 M+ 博物館、香港藝術館、香港文化博物館、廣東美術館、香港大學美術博物館、深圳華.美術館、 奧莎畫廊、利希慎基金會、德意志銀行、香港半島酒店、台北文華東方酒店、蘭桂坊酒店、 新世界發展有限公司、國泰航空公司,和愛克發吉華(香港)有限公司等。

澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術碩士學位,倫敦藝術大學雀兒喜藝術與設計學院藝術碩士,荷蘭格羅寧根漢斯大學互動媒體及環境藝術碩士。熱衷跨媒介創作,近年思考作品與策展的關係。作品《偽事物》系列,結合策展與藝術創作,探索不同媒介的可塑性,當中包括「滴溚滴」展覽中以咖啡刺激身體反應的《偽書寫》;另發起「偽 ‧ 集藝─藝術人的收集物」展覽,去討論收集與收藏行為對藝術家的意義。

孫樹坤先生Mr. Leon Suen
資深新聞攝影工作者,曾在1993及1994年擔任香港攝影記者協會主席,其間策劃了「瞬息訊息」新聞攝影展 (1993),「香港二十四小時」攝影活動及同名的展覽(1994-1995)。前者回顧了六十年代至九十年代的香港新聞攝影,後者則提倡市民透過攝影記錄香港在回歸中國過程中的種種變化。在2000年與何慶基合作策劃「香港新聞攝影發展史」展覽。現致力攝影教育和推廣。

劉清平先生Mr. Lau Ching Ping
聯展包括:「香港:人與環境」(1984)、香港「城市變奏:香港藝術家西方媒介近作展」(1992)、「當代香港藝術雙年展」(1992)、「中、港、台當代攝影展」(1994)、「香港論」(1998)、「香港觀記」(2005)、香港文化博物館「城市漫遊者 ─ 社會紀實攝影」(2010)、「I Think It Rains: Burger Collection’s Quadrilogy 2」(2013)、連州國際攝影年展(2006)、平遙國際攝影節 (2011 & 2014)及韓國首爾Total Museum of Contemporary Art「相對性都市」(2013)。
作品為廣東美術館、香港文化博物館、Google Art Project 及私人收藏。

朱德華先生Mr. Almond Chu
1993年獲亞洲文化協會(美國洛克菲勒基金分會)頒發愛克發基金青年攝影家獎。2004年應德國波恩大學邀請出席 Art & Exhibition Hall of Deutschland 所舉辦的國際藝術研討會為主講者之一。2005 年創立攝影組織 pH5 攝影連動,致力推動香港藝術攝影文化。他亦是香港國際攝影節創辦人之一。曾獲提名百達世界環保攝影獎(2015 )及以色列博物館舉辦的 The Shpilman International Prize of Excellence in Photography(2018)。
作品藏於俄羅斯莫斯科國立普希金造型藝術博物館、香港 M+ 博物館、香港藝術館、香港文化博物館、廣東美術館、香港大學美術博物館、深圳華.美術館、 奧莎畫廊、利希慎基金會、德意志銀行、香港半島酒店、台北文華東方酒店、蘭桂坊酒店、 新世界發展有限公司、國泰航空公司,和愛克發吉華(香港)有限公司等。