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Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2019 – 2020
Search:  GE2019-

Some call our young people as Gen Z or Digital Natives, as they tend to be more digital-savvy and multi-tasking than previous generations. We might also describe them as Gen S (Slash).  In this context, the term ‘Slash’ was coined by Marci Alboher to describe people who have multiple concurrent careers and identities instead of a single cohesive career.
Zygmunt Bauman, the Polish Sociologist/Philosopher has used “liquid modernity” to describe the fluid manner in which a person can shift from one social position to another.
“Be water, my friend…”
Bruce Lee’s idea can also be applied in many diverse contexts. So let’s keep our agility and flexibility for the ever changing world.

Enrolment Counters

4/9 (Wed)10:00 – 17:00K.K Leung Concourse
5/9 (Thu) onwards09:30 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 18:15GE Office, 2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building
Programme Title
We Are the World
We Are the World
A series of interdisciplinary study of local, regional, and global issues. Universal ...

HKU – Lung Yingtai Cultural Concourse
HKU – Lung Yingtai Cultural Concourse
Prof. Lung Yingtai 龍應台教授
▍Speaker:Prof. Lung Yingtai 龍應台教授 (Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities, ...

Hong Kong Agenda
Hong Kong Agenda
Dr. Leung Kai Chi 梁啓智博士
Mr. Jason Ko 
Miss Priscilla Ngai 
Mr. Bart Wong 
Sharon Chung
Chloris Ip
Annie Lui
2019年,香港經歷了一個不一樣的夏天。從反對《逃犯條例》修訂引發一連串風波,這個香港讓我們憤怒、心痛、恐懼和感動。暑假過去,我們帶着這些複雜的情緒回到校園,從五年前的雨傘運動前夕 ...

From Heisei to Reiwa: Japan in Transformation
From Heisei to Reiwa: Japan in Transformation
Dr. Dixon Wong 王向華博士
Mr. Micky Chan 陳銘基先生
Dr. Ryoji Ito 伊藤亮司博士
Mr. Kazuhiro Shiokawa 塩川和広先生

Dr. Ng Chun Hung 吳俊雄博士
Dr. Wong Chi Chung, Elvin 黃志淙博士
Mr. Cheng Ka Fai 鄭家輝先生
Mr. Kengo 健吾先生
「告別平成、迎接令和」——隨着新的天皇登基,日本於2019年5月1日起改用新的「令和」年號,為長達31年的「平成」時代劃上句號。新年號的來臨,不只是意味着年 ...

In the House
In the House
曾志豪先生 Mr. Tsang Chi-ho
徐天佑先生 Mr. Chui Tien You
鄺俊宇先生 Mr. Roy Kwong

卓韻芝女士 Ms. Vincci Cheuk

相隔一個暑假,通識聯同CapTV擷電視製作的《薄扶林主場》系列又返嚟啦!今次我哋再接再厲,繼續邀請唔同領域嘅城中紅人嚟到港大校園同你傾偈。同學可以透過嘉賓嘅分享同互動,從本地嘅流行 ...

Taiwan at the Crossroads: Understanding the Elections 2020
Taiwan at the Crossroads: Understanding the Elections 2020
Dr. Jackson Yeh 葉國豪博士
台灣大選將於2020年1月11日舉行,屆時新一屆總統、副總統及立法委員將會誕生。隨着兩大政黨初選結果出爐,民進黨蔡英文宣布競選連任,而被視為親中的高雄市長韓國瑜將代表國民黨參選。2 ...

To Slash or not to Slash? Love / Be loved.
To Slash or not to Slash? Love / Be loved.
林奕華先生Mr. Edward Lam
GE2019-01A [15/11/2019]Since the University has announced class suspension for ...

F:A:C:E: - Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences
F:A:C:E: - Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences
F:A:C:E: (Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences) is our dream to enrich campus ...

An Insider’s Guide to the World of Photography
An Insider’s Guide to the World of Photography
張康生先生 Mr. Enoch Cheung
孫樹坤先生 Mr. Leon Suen
劉清平先生 Mr. Lau Ching Ping
朱德華先生 Mr. Almond Chu 
Mentorship Programme & Photo ExhibitionThe mentorship programme provides a chance ...

JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power - Excerpt Performance & Workshop of L’Orphelin by Théâtre de la Feuille
JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power - Excerpt Performance & Workshop of L’Orphelin by Théâtre de la Feuille
賽馬會藝壇新勢力 綠葉劇團 ——《孤兒》節錄演出及工作坊
Théâtre de la Feuille 綠葉劇團
Mr. Ata Wong Chun Tat 黃俊達先生
廣為人傳的京劇《趙氏孤兒》於不同史家的記載中有著完全不同的版本。歷史眾說紛揉,孰是孰非,誰可定斷?《孤兒》捨棄佈景道具與華麗服裝,用身體敘述為人熟知的歷史故事。 工作坊將 ...

Asia Pacific Community Music Network 2019 Conference: Hong Kong
Asia Pacific Community Music Network 2019 Conference: Hong Kong
Mr. Pete Moser
Mr. Makoto Nomura
What is a community musician? I would answer that we make our living as typical slashies! ...

Traditional Chinese Opera – Kunqu Opera
Traditional Chinese Opera – Kunqu Opera
Jiangsu Kunqu Opera Theatre 江蘇省演藝集團崑劇院
崑劇起源自元末明初於蘇州崑山縣,是一種糅合唱、做、唸、打、舞蹈、武術及文學的表演藝術,是中國傳統戲曲中最古老的劇種之一,亦是最早於2001年獲納入聯合國教科文組織《人類非物質文化遺 ...

LCSD World Cultures Festival 2019: Outreach Performance – Signmark: Impossible is My Thing
LCSD World Cultures Festival 2019: Outreach Performance – Signmark: Impossible is My Thing
There is always a way.Signmark was born deaf into a world where music is for the ...

JOCKEY CLUB “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme
JOCKEY CLUB “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme
Passoverdance 新約舞流
The Programme is comprised of workshops, showcases and art creation etc. The ultimate ...

Hand-building Ceramics Workshop
Hand-building Ceramics Workshop
Useless Studio
Learn about the history and background of ceramic art-making! You will get to know ...

Music Salon: S/ash Music Lovers
Music Salon: S/ash Music Lovers
Dr. Wong Chi Chung Elvin 黃志淙博士
Music Salon:S/ash Music LoversBy Chi Chung/HKU music lovers/HK music friends…  ...

Book Club: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Book Club: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Mr. Kevin Lau 劉進圖先生
Required Readings:21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari 著名歷史學家Yuval ...

Book Talk: The Rock 'n' Roll Spirit of a Writer
Book Talk: The Rock 'n' Roll Spirit of a Writer
Book Talk: 寫作人的搖滾靈魂
Natalie Wong
寫小說跟搖滾樂有甚麼關係?兩者看似風馬牛不相及,但文學和音樂卻正正是寫作人張問的重要精神食糧,以驅動寫作,尤其是搖滾樂更是自青少年期一直深深影響著她的思想,深植於她的創作精神之中, ...

F:A:C:E: Subsidy
F:A:C:E: Subsidy
F:A:C:E: 鼓勵同學創作,無論是做展覽、拍短片、出版抑或搞講座,都會幫你實現!如果你有任何創作意念,歡迎提交計劃書,F:A:C:E:將會提供協助,包括校內場地、宣傳及製作資助 ...

F:A:C:E: Mentorship Programme 2019
F:A:C:E: Mentorship Programme 2019
F:A:C:E: 師友會 2019
Jevons Au 歐文傑
Pak Sheung Chuen 白雙全
Louisa So 蘇玉華
Tang Siu Hau 鄧小巧
Ada Wong 黃英琦
This mentorship programme offers students a thought-provoking and contemplative reflection ...

Green Living Lifestyle
Green Living Lifestyle
Whilst living in a hustle and bustle city like Hong Kong, let’s remember to ...

Vegetarian Food Tour and Cooking Workshop
Vegetarian Food Tour and Cooking Workshop
Mr. Ling Ho Wan Howard 凌浩雲先生
On this two-hour vegetarian food journey, you will explore different vegetarian and ...

Monthly Harvest Lunch
Monthly Harvest Lunch
Freshly harvested vegetables from our own HKU Rooftop Farm and herbs from our new ...

Green Lunch 2019
Green Lunch 2019
While we often focus on how we can change our personal eating habits to be more sustainabl ...

HKU Herb Garden Tea Gathering
HKU Herb Garden Tea Gathering
HKU Herb Garden (Since 2018) The Herb Garden, located outside the 2/F entrance of ...

Organic Farming Workshop – Permaculture in Practice
Organic Farming Workshop – Permaculture in Practice
Mr. Fai Hui
Urban farming is a growing global trend that is helping to make cities throughout ...

Trail Walker @ HKU 2019
Trail Walker @ HKU 2019
李耀輝先生 Mr. Panda Lee (Life Adventure Consultants)
A 50-kilometre walk along the Hong Kong Trail on Hong Kong Island is a challenge ...

2-Day-1-Night Wild Camping at a Local Organic Farm
2-Day-1-Night Wild Camping at a Local Organic Farm
Mr. Antipas Poon
香港給人的印象通常是「石屎森林」和「金融中心」,但其實這裏有超過70%的陸地是自然郊區,而且近在咫尺,我們眨眼間就能從市中心走進大自然。在秋高氣爽的日子,我們提起背包,走進新界的有 ...

HKU Rooftop Farm & Monthly Community Day
HKU Rooftop Farm & Monthly Community Day
HKU Rooftop Farm (Since 2013)Starting in 2013, The HKU Rooftop Farm Project, co-organised ...

GEST Recruitment
GEST Recruitment
GEST\ˈjest \: GE Student TeamGEST is an integral part of GE.Being a GEST member, ...

GEST - GE Student Team
GEST - GE Student Team
Co-curating and co-creating are what we believe and practise. GEST (GE Student ...

Book Club: Dear Life
Book Club: Dear Life
Mr. Peter Lai 黎慶寧先生

***Registration quota is full.***While a long hot summer of momentous events that ...

GEST Skills Sharing - Rubber Stamp Carving
GEST Skills Sharing - Rubber Stamp Carving
Yim Sin Yan
GEST Skills Sharing GEST Skills Sharing is a platform for talented students ...

Filmatic - The Curation of Movie Salons: Sharing by Past-curators
Filmatic - The Curation of Movie Salons: Sharing by Past-curators
Mr. Samuel Wong 黃頌朗先生
Mr. Yuen Yuen Lung 袁源隆先生
自2015年起,Filmatic為港大同學呈獻一系列由學生一手策劃、於通識舉辦的電影沙龍,以不同主題重新認識我們的世界。四年過後,Filmatic即將迎接一個新階段,繼續與港大同學 ...

Curator’s Art Exhibition
GE2019-30/ GE2019-31
Curator’s Art Exhibition
Iqra Abbasi
Curator’s Art Exhibition GE Gatherland is a versatile hub of arts, culture, ...

GE Live House: Curator's Gig - Yellow, Blue, Black & White
GE Live House: Curator's Gig - Yellow, Blue, Black & White
Leung Yuk Kwan, Lake (BNurs Year 4)
Orang Leung
Li Yau Wai, Harvey

Curator’s Gig empowers you to curate your own music gig. Our versatile GE Gatherland ...

Performance Art Workshop
Performance Art Workshop
Ms. Monique Yim 嚴穎嘉小姐
Little Carp Performance Art Group
This 8-hour workshop will provide participants with a taste of performance art, including ...

Stand-up Comedy Show
Stand-up Comedy Show
唔好笑就回水 — 免費廣東話棟篤笑
Nicholas Tam
Vivek Mahbubani 
Tim Chan 
Matina Leung 
Anson Chung
仲未接受到已經開咗Sem嘅你,想唞啖氣笑返下?繼今年三月,平過深水埗,唔使上淘寶,棟篤笑實驗show。開show成功之後,2018新秀棟篤笑大賽亞軍Nicholas ...

Global News Chat
Global News Chat
Yagini Airan
Ali Mumtaz
Sharon Chung
Chloris Ip
Annie Lui 
 We are living in a globalised world with news circulating across the Internet ...

Global Kitchen
Global Kitchen
Global Kitchen is a cultural melting pot that allows you to explore other cultures ...

Happy Thursday – Tea from Around the World
Happy Thursday – Tea from Around the World
Mr. Andres Zambrano
Ms. Brinna Barlow
Ms. Nadine Nicole Muschette 
This cultural exchange programme has been curated since 2017, and student hosts from ...