F:A:C:E: (Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences) is our dream to enrich campus life and learning with more intimate, interactive, vivid and face-to-face encounters of arts and culture. There are various salons and workshops that you are guaranteed the most enjoyable learning experience. Here you can find like-minded souls to discover this enchanting world together.
GE2023-18 Keen Lyricist Quest 2023-24 – Outstanding Works Showcase 「堅詞 gin1 ci4」創作 2023-24 – 得獎作品音樂會
GE2023-19 “Hardship is a Spaceship”——Screening and Sharing 「一人有一艘《艱辛歲月》太空船」影像作品放映及分享
GE2023-20 Music Salon 音樂沙龍
GE2023-21 Book Club: Climate Armageddon – The Science and the Fiction
GE2023-22 F:A:C:E: Subsidy
GE2023-18 Keen Lyricist Quest 2023-24 – Outstanding Works Showcase 「堅詞 gin1 ci4」創作 2023-24 – 得獎作品音樂會
GE2023-19 “Hardship is a Spaceship”——Screening and Sharing 「一人有一艘《艱辛歲月》太空船」影像作品放映及分享
GE2023-20 Music Salon 音樂沙龍
GE2023-21 Book Club: Climate Armageddon – The Science and the Fiction
GE2023-22 F:A:C:E: Subsidy