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Facilities Services

Facilities Services

Facilities Available for Booking

Location Description Capacity - person*
(Area - m2)
Online Booking Booking with Centre Indivi-dual Group Student Society Depart-ment Remarks
GA04 Multi-purpose Room New 15 (35 m2) Yes
Yes Yes Yes
GA05 Multi-purpose Room New 25 (43 m2) Yes
Yes Yes Yes
1A02 Multi-purpose Room 30 (97 m2) Yes
Yes Yes Yes
1A03 Multi-purpose Room New 40 (75 m2) Yes
Yes Yes Yes
1A05 Multi-purpose Room 20 (37 m2) Yes
Yes Yes Yes **Eating and drinking is only allowed in Room 1A05 with prior approval by email in advance of 3 working days. Please include the date and time of the event, its purpose, the type of food that will be served, the estimated number of participants, and any relevant links or posters in your email.
1A07 Multi-purpose Room 30 (56 m2) Yes
Yes Yes Yes
1A08 Music Room  New 8 (19 m2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1A09 Music Room  New 8 (17 m2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1A10 Relaxation Hub New 15 (27 m2) Opening Hours:
From 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays (except public holidays and university holidays)
For HKU students and staff
1A11 Prayer Room (28 m2) For HKU students and staff
1A14 Music Room 13 (26 m2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2A01(A) Multi-purpose Room  New 40 (53 m2) Yes Yes Yes
2A01(C) Meeting Room  New 12 (24 m2) Yes Yes Yes Yes
2A01(1) Storage Room  New (8 m2) Yes Yes
2A01(2) Storage Room  New (8 m2) Yes Yes
2A05 Meeting Room New 8 (19 m2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2A06 Meeting Room New 8 (19 m2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1A Coffee Lounge 30 (115 m2) Yes
Yes Yes Yes For HKU students and staff
Swire Hall Staircase Publicity Space 1 1m (W) x 3.7m (L) Yes
Yes Yes
Swire Hall Staircase Publicity Space 2 1m (W) x 7.4m (L) Yes Yes Yes

* The number of participants at an event held on campus should not exceed the maximum seating capacity of the venue.

Equipment Available for Booking

Stacking chair360° video camera
Portable folding table (2.5’ x 6’)LCD projector
Portable folding table (2’ x 4’) NewPortable white screen
Mobile display board (3’W x 6’H)Extension cable
Mobile Z board (3’W x 6.5’H)Cable reel New
Portable P.A. system
with 2 wireless microphones
Platform trolley
(single handle and double handle)
Portable speaker amplifierGrid trolley New
MicrophoneLogistic box New
Microphone stand (floor)Black cloth New
Microphone stand (table)Table cloth (black)
(2350W x 3380Lmm) New
Music standGreen gown
Walkie-talkie (set)Black gown
Expand Backdrop Frame
(3050W x 2300Hmm) New
Expand Backdrop Frame
(1550W x 2300Hmm) New

Vending Machine

Location Supplier Product
FSCAC 2A/F Swire Coca-Cola Beverages
Swire Coca-Cola Beverages
Synergy New Sustainable Snacks and Drinks
FSCAC GA/F Vitasoy Beverages