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K.B. Chen Inclusive Education Enrichment Subsidies

  • Outside HK Experience
Learning activities outside Hong Kong that met either one of the below criteria will be considered: - Learning activities outside Hong Kong administered or endorsed by HKU offices, including but not limited to faculties, departments, or units; - Self-o

  • UGs ((Full time UGC-funded programmes))
  • PGs ((Full time UGC-funded programmes))
  • Local
Yes (Full-time students on self-financed programmes and part-time students will be considered on a case-by-case basis based on proven financial needs.)
3910-3200 (Phone)
cedars-SEN@hku.hk (Email)
Open throughout the year
Successful applicants will receive a one-off allowance of HK$4,000 or ($400 x duration of the activities in the number of days), whichever is lower.

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