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Calligraphy: A Means to Connect Two Generations

Calligraphy: A Means to Connect Two Generations

Lau Ka Him’s Story
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

The culture of Chinese calligraphy is deeply embedded in society's history. Lau Ka Him, the chairperson of the HKU Calligraphy Society, saw a chance for this potent art to serve as a bridge between the two generations.

In September 2023, Lau brought together committee members from the Society and organised the "Chinese Calligraphy Workshop for the Elderly" with funding from HKU's Yang Tuck Ming and Wong Fung Ying Service Learning Fund. The project aimed to empower seniors by teaching them the art of Chinese calligraphy and fostering their connections with the wider community.

“I like building bonds with elderly people as I can learn a lot from their experiences”, said Lau, a second-year nursing student.