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Your University Major Doesn’t Matter!

Your University Major Doesn’t Matter!

Lee Ka Man, Carman's Story
Faculty of Science

Carman Lee is a final year undergraduate student from the Faculty of Science. Last year, she interned for a company called ‘Frame & Fame’ which provides personal brand building for entrepreneurs. Despite interning as a business development executive, Carman's major is in Chemistry. Carman’s story exemplifies a university major does not determine one’s career.

As a chemistry major, Carman was interested in medicine and hoped that she could change the world one day. She spent much of her time at the laboratory. However, she gradually discovered that her real interest lies outside of the laboratory.  

Photo of Carman

"Carman’s story exemplifies a university major does not determine one’s career."

Carman applied for the internship at ‘Frame & Fame’ by chance. Many entrepreneurs are technical professionals, but they may not know how to sell their authenticity. Founded by HKU alumni, ‘Frame & Fame’ advises entrepreneurs on how to highlight their achievements to attract potential investors.

Working at a start-up means more work and effort. This experience, however, motivated Carman to learn more and faster. “On the first day of work, I don’t even know what is the difference between marketing and branding,” said Carman. “I only have five minutes to learn about my company before I represent ‘Frame & Fame’ at a business meeting that afternoon.”

The internship also gave Carman exposure to formal business settings, which she attended a business conference and presented ideas to clients. Carman found her internship experience interesting. She said she aspired to work at a business company to further explore the business world.

Written by:
Clare Wong
Year 3, Faculty of Arts
May 2019

Your University Major Doesn’t Matter!