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Tackling novel situations and ill-defined problems

Tackling novel situations and ill-defined problems


CEDARS Global Career Springboard Scheme (CGCSS)

CGCSS offers unique career learning opportunities outside Hong Kong that helps you develop your work skills as well as global perspectives and enhance your mobility through building an international network.

CGCSS covers paid/non-paid workplace internships, career exploration programmes and /or other career learning experiences in Mainland China and overseas countries. A wide variety of internships are offered in over 50 locations, including Mainland China, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, US, UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, etc. Career exploration programmes are 1- to 3-week overseas learning tours, comprising corporate and manufacturing visits, career training, personal sharing by professionals, group research projects and cultural exchange activities with mentors or local university students. Stay tuned with the upcoming programmes of different themes and elements.

CGCSS is a pre-approved programme under Credit Award Scheme for Out-of-classroom Learning Experiences. Students who successfully completed the Programme will be eligible to earn one credit of the Credit Award Scheme by submitting an application to the Horizons Office for formal approval.

Enquiries: careerspringboard@cedars.hku.hk (Careers and Placement Section)

HKU Herb Garden / Monthly Meet-up

The Herb Garden, nestled outside the 2/f entrance of the Main Library, one of the HKU Holistic Urban Farming Spaces to promote sustainable living and human-nature connection. The Garden was set up by students under the guidance of permaculture practitioners as part of a GE course, using up-cycled materials such as old bamboo from the New Year Flower Market. This project hopes to nurture a community that shares similar concerns about health, the environment, and our future, as well as to spark off more creative and sustainable use of campus space and resources. 

Herb Garden Tea Meet-up is the monthly event to unwind in this enchanting, aromatic atmosphere!  This series hopes to nurture a community that shares similar concerns about health, wellbeing, the environment, and our future, as well as to spark more creative and sustainable uses of campus space and resources. Our Herb Garden Team, a group of students and staff volunteers, are growing a variety of organic herbs in the garden.  In this event, we will share gardening and organic farming tips, as well as dried herbs, herb cuttings and seeds. 


Enquiries: gened@hku.hk (General Education Team)

Holistic Urban Farming Workshop

During this workshop series, you will learn how to grow organic vegetables and herbs at the rooftop farm or herb garden on campus. By becoming more in tune with our natural surroundings and recycling food waste, you can reduce your impact on the environment. Moreover, we will learn to awaken our senses through understanding the soil, vegetables and herbs, as well as practising ‘mindfulness’ in the farm and garden. At the last session of workshop, you will make a delicious farm-to-table meal using the fresh produce you have grown!

Workshop participants can also join the farming team to help out with daily tasks in the farm’s communal area.

Enquiries: gened@hku.hk (General Education Team)