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Leadership and advocacy for the improvement of the human condition

Leadership and advocacy for the improvement of the human condition

Lead for Life  

CEDARS and Faith & Global Engagement jointly launch a character leadership programme, ‘Lead for Life’.  Built around the research on character-based leadership at Oxford University and The University of Hong Kong, the programme presents character leadership as acquirable and desirable as well as accessible to all.  The programme draws on deep, multi-cultural traditions of wisdom and virtue to enable HKU leaders to make a significant social impact locally and globally.  It consists of three core activities: classroom learning, mentor groups and service projects.


Enquiries: lead@hku.hk 

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Peer Impact Network (PIN)

HKU students are recruited as members of SEN PIN to support people with disabilities or SEN both inside and outside campus to participate fully in life. Students will form a network in which they are exposed to various service and training opportunities. Being members of SEN PIN, you will have the chance to make use of your knowledge and experience to go beyond service provision, and help to promote value of inclusion, diversity and acceptance on campus.

SEN PIN is a pre-approved programme under Credit Award Scheme for Out-of-classroom Learning Experiences. Students who successfully completed the Programme will be eligible to earn one credit of the Credit Award Scheme by submitting an application to the Horizons Office for formal approval.


Enquiries: cedars-SEN@hku.hk (Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section) 

English for “U” Language Enrichment Camp for Junior Secondary School Students

Learn to serve; serve to learn! Would you like to enhance your English skill beyond classroom? Would you like to create interactive English learning experience for youth studying in local Chinese medium-of-instruction schools?

Join the English For “U” Language Enrichment Camp for Local Junior Secondary School Students as CAMP TUTORS to support and facilitate local youth to discover the fun of English learning! It will also be a chance for you to meet new friends, serve as an HKU ambassador, and strengthen your leadership and communication skills.

Details: http://wp2.cedars.hku.hk/englishforu

Enquiries: cedars@hku.hk (Campus Life Section)